Codebase for experimenting with different types of neural network models for sequential data. The main purpose is to support models that can be used for model based reinforcement learning and control.
NOTE: The codebase is very much work in progress, and hence especially the documentation is very incomplete. Major changes in syntax/functionality are also possible.
Example: Model predictive control on Gym's CartPole environmentThe code snippets below illustrate the usage with a simple of the CartPole environment from the Gym library. Even though we use Gym here for demonstration purposes, the modeling is not tied to Gym in any sense, and using data from other sources is completely possible.
This will collect and save some data from the CartPole environment with random policy.
python -m scripts.run_gym \
--env CartPole-v1 \
--num_episodes 30 \
--save_dir data/gym/CartPole-v1/random
Train a model of the environment using the collected data.
import numpy as np
import gym
from seqnn import SeqNN, SeqNNConfig
from seqnn.gymutils.logger import Logger
envname = 'CartPole-v1'
# read the data
dfs = []
for path in Logger.find_all_files(f"data/gym/{envname}/random", ".json"):
df = Logger.load_episode_as_df(path)
# split into training and validation sets
valid_idx = np.random.choice(len(dfs), 5, replace=False)
dfs_train = [df for i, df in enumerate(dfs) if i not in valid_idx]
dfs_valid = [df for i, df in enumerate(dfs) if i in valid_idx]
# setup the model config
env = gym.make(envname)
num_act = env.action_space.n
num_obs = env.observation_space.shape[0]
config = SeqNNConfig(
targets={"obs": [f"obs{i}" for i in range(num_obs)]},
controls_categorical={"act0": num_act},
optimizer_args={"lr": 0.001, "momentum": 0.9},
lr_scheduler_args={"gamma": 0.5, "step_size": 2000},
# create the model and train
model = SeqNN(config)
model.train(dfs_train, dfs_valid, steps=1.5e4)"models/gym/{envname}/model0")
The model training is using Pytorch Lightining, so the training logs can be accessed using the Tensorboard, for example like this
tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs
We can visualize the performance of the trained model in action using a command such as
python -m scripts.run_gym \
--env CartPole-v1 \
--model models/gym/CartPole-v1/model0 \
--num_episodes 1 \
--max_len 500 \