

Primary LanguagePHP


Porydex is a combined Pokédex and Pokémon Showdown usage stats viewer, designed to make it easy to browse and analyze metagame trends over time.

Getting Started

Porydex requires the following to run:

  • PHP 8.2+
    • extension intl
  • MySQL 5.6+


  1. Create the database schema (and user) for the project. Give them whatever names you want. For example,
create schema `dex`
	charset utf8mb4
	collate utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci # Use the best modern collation you have access to.
create user `dex_user`@'' identified by 'password';
# Don't forget the grants!
  1. Create a file /config/.env. Fill it with the database credentials you just created. Follow the template in /config/.env.example.

  2. Run the script php /bin/setup to setup the database and load all non-stats data.

  3. Run the script php /bin/import --year=2018 --month=1 to import all importable data in https://www.smogon.com/stats/2018-01/ (or any other month). This can take a while.

Importing Usage Data

"Importable data" is determined by the contents of these database tables:

  • showdown_abilities_to_ignore
  • showdown_abilities_to_import
  • showdown_formats_to_ignore
  • showdown_formats_to_import
  • showdown_items_to_ignore
  • showdown_items_to_import
  • showdown_moves_to_ignore
  • showdown_moves_to_import
  • showdown_natures_to_ignore
  • showdown_natures_to_import
  • showdown_pokemon_to_ignore
  • showdown_pokemon_to_import

The showdown_x_to_import tables contain the names of entities to import, along with their database ids (example: "Bulbasaur": 1). The showdown_x_to_ignore tables contain the names of entities to NOT import (examples: "Missingno", CAP Pokémon/abilities). When the /bin/import script is run, if it encounters an entity that is neither imported nor ignored, the script crashes. This is intentional.

Before importing a month's data, you should first run the script php /bin/parse --year=2018 --month=1 on that month. It will give you a list of all unknown entities in that month's usage data files. Add those entities to the appropriate showdown_x_to_x tables, and then you can import safely.

A new month's formats must always be added to the showdown_formats_to_x tables. This is necessary because formats have changed names before ("ou" to "gen6ou"), and we don't want to import such changes as separate formats.

The main implementation of Porydex only imports the official Smogon and VGC formats. If you want to run a clone of Porydex that focuses on (for example) LC or CAP, you can! Just edit the database accordingly.