
Ansible role for manage Mariadb

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CI Ansible Galaxy

This role provide compliance for install and setup Mariadb on your target host.


This role was developed using Ansible 2.4 Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed. Use ansible-galaxy install diodonfrost.mariadb to install the role on your system.

Supported platforms:

- name: EL
    - 8
    - 6
    - 7
- name: Fedora
    - 29
    - 28
    - 27
    - 26
- name: Debian
    - buster
    - stretch
    - jessie
- name: Ubuntu
    - disco
    - bionic
    - xenial
    - trusty
    - precise
- name: opensuse
    - all
- name: OracleLinux
    - 7
- name: Amazon
    - 2017.12
- name: FreeBSD
    - 11.0
    - 10.4
- name: OpenBSD
    - 6.0

Role Variables

# defaults file for ansible-role-mariadb

# Install Mariadb.
# Default is true.
mariadb_install: true

# Specify repository origin for Mariadb.
# Options are 'mariadb_repository' or 'os_repository'.
# Default is mariadb_repository.
# OS supported with mariadb_repository:
# Redhat/CentOS 6,7
# Debian 8,9
# Ubuntu 18.04, 17.10, 16.04, 14.04
install_from: mariadb_repository

# Specifie version of mariadb (http://yum.mariadb.org/) or https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/#mirror=ovh
mariadb_version: 10.3

# Debian apt repository key id
debian_repository_id: ['0xF1656F24C74CD1D8', '0xcbcb082a1bb943db']

# Ubuntu apt repository key id
ubuntu_repository_id: ['0xF1656F24C74CD1D8', '0xcbcb082a1bb943db']

# Add mariabd databases
# default create nothing
mariadb_database: []
#  - name: database10
#    state: present

# Add mariabd users
# default create nothing
mariadb_user: []
#  - name: user1
#    host:
#    password: secret
#    priv: '*.*:ALL'
#    encrypted: false

# Allow remote root login
# default: false
disable_remote_root_login: true

# Specify address to listen
mariadb_bind_address: ''

# Specify tcp port to listen
mariadb_port: 3306

# Specify slow query log
mariadb_slow_query_log_enabled: false
mariadb_slow_query_time: "2"



Example Playbook

This is a sample playbook file for deploying the Ansible Galaxy mariadb role in a localhost and installing the open source version of mariadb.

- hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - role: diodonfrost.mariadb

If you want just configure mariadb and not install it, you can set variable 'mariadb_install' to false, do it like this:

- hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - role: diodonfrost.mariadb
    mariadb_install: false

Local Testing

The preferred way of locally testing the role is to use Docker. You will have to install Docker on your system.

You can also use vagrant and Virtualbox with vagrant to run tests locally. You will have to install Virtualbox and Vagrant on your system. For all our tests we use test-kitchen.

Next install test-kitchen:

# Install dependencies
gem install bundler
bundle install

Testing with Docker

# List all tests with kitchen
kitchen list

# fast test on one machine
kitchen test mariadb-103-centos-7

# test on all machines
kitchen test

# for development, create environment
kitchen create mariadb-103-centos-7

# Apply ansible playbook
kitchen converge mariadb-103-centos-7

# Apply inspec tests
kitchen verify mariadb-103-centos-7

Testing with Virtualbox

# Specify kitchen file on Windows
set KITCHEN_YAML=.kitchen-vagrant.yml

# fast test on one machine
kitchen test os-packaging-freebsd-11


Apache 2

Author Information

This role was created in 2018 by diodonfrost.