Role Name

Installs Suricata IDS/IPS Role -




Spin up Vagrant environment

vagrant up

Role Variables

# defaults file for ansible-suricata
config_suricata: false  #defines if suricata should be configured
scripts_dir: /opt/scripts
  - pass
  - drop
  - reject
  - alert
  - int: eth0
    threads: 1
    defrag: "yes"
    cluster_type: cluster_flow  #cluster_round_robin, cluster_flow or cluster_cpu
    cluster_id: 99
    copy_mode: ips
    copy_iface: eth1
    buffer_size: 64535
    disable_promisc: "no"  # Set to yes to disable promiscuous mode
    use_nmap: "yes"
  - int: eth1
    threads: 1
    defrag: "yes"
    cluster_type: cluster_flow  #cluster_round_robin, cluster_flow or cluster_cpu
    cluster_id: 98
    copy_mode: ips
    copy_iface: eth0
    buffer_size: 64535
    disable_promisc: "no"  # Set to yes to disable promiscuous mode
    use_nmap: "yes"
suricata_classification_file: /etc/suricata/classification.config
suricata_config_file: /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml
suricata_config_outputs: true
suricata_default_rule_path: /etc/suricata/rules
  - name: default
    new: 30
    established: 300
    closed: 0
    emergency_new: 10
    emergency_established: 100
    emergency_closed: 0
  - name: tcp
    new: 60
    established: 3600
    closed: 120
    emergency_new: 10
    emergency_established: 100
    emergency_closed: 20
  - name: udp
    new: 30
    established: 300
    emergency_new: 10
    emergency_established: 100
  - name: icmp
    new: 30
    established: 300
    emergency_new: 10
    emergency_established: 100
suricata_host_mode: auto  #defines surica operating mode...Options are auto, router (IPS-Mode) or sniffer-only (IDS-Mode)
#    suricata_include_files:  #Files included here will be handled as if they were inlined in the configuration file.
#        - include1.yaml
#        - include2.yaml
suricata_iface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"  #Interface to listen on (for pcap mode)
suricata_interfaces:  #define the interfaces on your suricata host and define if offloading should be disabled.
  - int: eth0
    disable_offloading: false
      - gro
      - gso
      - lro
      - rx
      - rxhash
      - rxvlan
      - sg
      - tso
      - tx
      - txvlan
      - ufo
  - int: eth1
    disable_offloading: false
      - gro
      - gso
      - lro
      - rx
      - rxhash
      - rxvlan
      - sg
      - tso
      - tx
      - txvlan
      - ufo
suricata_listen_mode: af-packet  #pcap, nfqueue or af-packet
suricata_log_dir: /var/log/suricata/
suricata_nfqueue: 0  #Queue number to listen on (for nfqueue mode)
  - name: fast
    enabled: "yes"
    filename: fast.log
    append: "yes"
  - name: eve-log
    enabled: "yes"
    type: file  #file|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream
    filename: eve.json
      - name: alert
      - name: http
        config_addl: true  #defines if additional parameters are to be defined....required for template check
        extended: "yes"  # enable this for extended logging information
      - name: dns
      - name: tls
        config_addl: true  #defines if additional parameters are to be defined....required for template check
        extended: "yes"  # enable this for extended logging information
      - name: files
        config_addl: true  #defines if additional parameters are to be defined....required for template check
        force_magic: "yes"  # force logging magic on all logged files
        force_md5: "yes"  # force logging of md5 checksums
#      - name: "drop"
      - name: ssh
      - name: smtp
      - name: flow
  - name: unified2-alert
    enabled: "yes"
    filename: unified2.alert
    limit: 32mb  # File size limit.  Can be specified in kb, mb, gb.
      - var: enabled
        val: "no"
      - var: mode
        val: extra-data
      - var: header
        val: X-Forwarded-For
  - name: http-log
    enabled: "yes"
    filename: http.log
    append: "yes"
  - name: tls-log
    enabled: "no"
    filename: tls.log
    append: "yes"
    certs_log_dir: certs
  - name: dns-log
    enabled: "no"
    filename: dns.log
    append: "yes"
  - name: pcap-info
    enabled: "no"
  - name: pcap-log
    enabled: "no"
    filename: log.pcap
    limit: 1000mb
    max_files: 2000
    mode: normal  # normal or sguil
    use_stream_depth: "no"  #If set to "yes" packets seen after reaching stream inspection depth are ignored. "no" logs all packets
  - name: alert-debug
    enabled: "no"
    filename: alert-debug.log
    append: "yes"
  - name: alert-prelude
    enabled: "no"
    profile: suricata
    log_packet_content: "no"
    log_packet_header: "yes"
  - name: stats
    enabled: "yes"
    filename: stats.log
    interval: 8
  - name: syslog
    enabled: "no"
    facility: local5
    level: Info  # possible levels: Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug
  - name: drop
    enabled: "no"
    filename: drop.log
    append: "yes"
  - name: file-store
    enabled: "no"
    log_dir: files
    force_magic: "no"
    force_md5: "no"
  - name: file-log
    enabled: "no"
    filename: files-json.log
    append: "yes"
    force_magic: "no"
    force_md5: "no"
  - int: eth0
    threads: 1
    cluster_id: 99
    cluster_type: cluster_flow
  - int: eth1
    threads: 1
    cluster_id: 93
    cluster_type: cluster_flow
suricata_reference_config_file: /etc/suricata/reference.config
  - botcc.rules
  - ciarmy.rules
  - compromised.rules
  - drop.rules
  - dshield.rules
  - emerging-activex.rules
  - emerging-attack_response.rules
  - emerging-chat.rules
  - emerging-current_events.rules
  - emerging-dns.rules
  - emerging-dos.rules
  - emerging-exploit.rules
  - emerging-ftp.rules
  - emerging-games.rules
  - emerging-icmp_info.rules
#        - emerging-icmp.rules
  - emerging-imap.rules
  - emerging-inappropriate.rules
  - emerging-malware.rules
  - emerging-misc.rules
  - emerging-mobile_malware.rules
  - emerging-netbios.rules
  - emerging-p2p.rules
  - emerging-policy.rules
  - emerging-pop3.rules
  - emerging-rpc.rules
  - emerging-scada.rules
  - emerging-scan.rules
  - emerging-shellcode.rules
  - emerging-smtp.rules
  - emerging-snmp.rules
  - emerging-sql.rules
  - emerging-telnet.rules
  - emerging-tftp.rules
  - emerging-trojan.rules
  - emerging-user_agents.rules
  - emerging-voip.rules
  - emerging-web_client.rules
  - emerging-web_server.rules
  - emerging-web_specific_apps.rules
  - emerging-worm.rules
  - tor.rules
  - decoder-events.rules # available in suricata sources under rules dir
  - stream-events.rules  # available in suricata sources under rules dir
  - http-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
  - smtp-events.rules    # available in suricata sources under rules dir
  - dns-events.rules     # available in suricata sources under rules dir
  - tls-events.rules     # available in suricata sources under rules dir
suricata_run_initd: 'yes'  #set to yes to start the server in the init.d script
suricata_suppress_list:  #Defines a list of alerts to suppress
  - gen_id: 1
    sig_id: 2210020
#    track: by_src  #options are: by_src|by_dst
#    ip_addresses:  #define IP addressORsubnet if setting up track by
#      -
#      -
  - gen_id: 1
    sig_id: 2210021
  - gen_id: 1
    sig_id: 2210029
suricata_ubuntu_ppa: ppa:oisf/suricata-stable  #Options are ppa:oisf/suricata-stable, ppa:oisf/suricata-beta or ppa:oisf/suricata-daily
  enabled: "no"
#        filename: custom.socket



Example Playbook


- hosts: all
  become: true
    - role: ansible-suricata


- hosts: all
  become: true
    - role: mrlesmithjr.suricata



Author Information

Larry Smith Jr.