Creating robust code to handle all scenarios is quite complex as web pages can often be written quite badly;
/Person.html == /PERSON.html == /PErsoN.htm
this code will treat this as three separate urls. It's just a simple example but highlights the assumption made that the webpage we are processing is "well written"
Also url arguments are not stripped out so:
index.html?a=123 and index.html?a=1234
are considered 2 separate URLs.
Validation and data sanitising / normalising could be quite complex.
Other assumptions:
URL crawling is for GET requests only with no authentication mechanism
No attention paid to Robots.txt files
Difficult to test!!
- Basic unit testing implemented
- Integration tests needed but require mocking target webpage (TODO)
git clone
cd webcrawler-test
npm install
update the url and domain in config/index.js
node index.js
npm test