This project monitors a S3 bucket for new log files, then persists and displays the data.
A Spark job in log-streamer/ will monitor an S3 bucket, when a new file comes, with send the line-text into a kafka topic="log-streamer-out".
Kafka is in kafka/ , and there is a manager in kafka-manger. A kafka proxy server is in kafka-proxy-ws/ which provides a server for the websocket in the frontend/ app.
The log lines, in the Kafka topic="log-streamer-out", are persisted to Cassandra (cassandra/ ) by the app log-persister/.
Nothing happends until a file is uploaded to the S3 bucket.
One needs to build the spark-base image:
cd spark/base/
docker build -t spark-base .
cd ../../
Then start docker compose in the background:
nohup ./ > docker-compose-run.log 2>&1 &
wait: Building all the Docker images and running apps will take about 20 Minutes.
Then submit Spark Job:
Note: need to have Java and sbt installed:
nohup ./ {AWS-key} {AWS-secret} {S3 bucket name like: s3a://huginns-news-logs/} > start_log_streamer.log 2>&1 &
When a new file is uploaded/written to the S3 bucket, it will get picked up by the Spark job, produced into Kafka, pushed to the ReactJS app, and persisted to Cassandra.
Kafka-Manager (You may have to add the Cluster manually) : localhost:9001
Spark Job UI: localhost:4040
Frontent App: localhost:3000
or just look in either *log file.
Upload a file to the S3 bucket, and wait about 1 minute, and Frontend App (localhost:3000) should contents of that file.