This is a client server application where there is a file statistics server which is running. Clients can POST their filesystem metadata information and the server will compute various statistics and persist it.
Each Client will have need a have a unique client_id which is identified by the server. By default a random fixed id is generated. New Clients need to use a unique id (can be provided at runtime).
java -jar FileStatisticsServer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=<port_num>
eg: java -jar FileStatisticsServer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8080
POST: <server_url>/uploadfilestats
GET: <server_url>/getfilestats
GET: <server_url>/getservercomputedstats
java -jar file-stats-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --path=<input_filesystem_path> --serverUrl=<valid_url> --clientId=<unique_integer_id>
eg: java -jar file-stats-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --path=/home/user/test_dir --serverUrl=http://localhost:8080
clientId is optional. If not provided default value=10011, So all updates will happen at 10011 only.
Client is available here:
Client runs multi-threading for making rest calls. Default MAX_NUM_OF_THREADS=3
Client side: Java maven project - jackson library for Object mapping, java's native Executor service for multi threading, java's native HTTP classes for REST call
Server side: Java Spring boot application with embedded Tomcat server - spring web, spring data jpa, h2 database.