- 2
Error during data testing-Utils/test_units
#97 opened by shizhx3 - 4
LoadError: There was an error during testing
#96 opened by GI501178767 - 1
Fail to compile _Fixed (see the attached copy)
#98 opened by RDokht - 0
ERROR:LoadError:unable to open libLLVM
#95 opened by GI501178767 - 0
SeisIO v1.2.1 fails to compile on M1 Mac
#93 opened by haakon-e - 5
SeisIO prevents other packages to be updated
#85 opened by ihuangz - 0
Very slow mseed read time
#92 opened by tclements - 4
How to read an entire list of sac files?
#91 opened by mcardenass - 4
- 2
- 2
- 0
- 3
Support for another Q files?
#86 opened by ihuangz - 11
Failing DataFormat test on julia 1.6.1
#83 opened by adigitoleo - 1
ArgumentError on reading ASDF file
#84 opened by niyiyu - 14
filtfilt! converts all data to NaN
#82 opened by dttrugman - 1
read_data fails on file with fs == 0
#81 opened by tclements - 2
TagBot trigger issue
#78 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
Strange behavior with get_data!()
#80 opened by dylanmikesell - 1
sync!(C::SeisChannel) does not update C.t
#79 opened by tclements - 8
Test error during SeedLink test
#75 opened by spri902 - 8
merge! between SeisData, SeisChannel and SeisEvent, EventTraceData, EventChannel
#59 opened by tclements - 4
Can't resolve path in tutorial/install.jl
#76 opened by adigitoleo - 6
begin time "b" in SAC is not handled correctly
#60 opened by taotaokai - 3
ungap! doesn't fix a gap before the last sample in S.x[i] if size(S.t[i]) == (2,2)
#74 opened by tclements - 7
Bump compat for Blosc for "0.5.1, 0.6, 0.7"
#58 opened by tclements - 11
Causal instrument response correction
#46 opened by dylanmikesell - 14
Short circuit for reading mseed with many gaps
#62 opened by tclements - 2
Unusual performance issue with sample file
#72 opened by jpjones76 - 0
`scan_seed` produces erroneous results unless `read_data` is first called on same file
#73 opened by jpjones76 - 2
resample! errors on NodalData
#65 opened by tclements - 1
Expand NodalLoc to have x, y, & z positions
#63 opened by tclements - 2
Sample rate in mini-SEED Blockette 100
#48 opened by anowacki - 2
Bump HDF5.jl to 0.13+
#49 opened by shipengcheng1230 - 3
Allow for upsampliing in resample!
#50 opened by tclements - 5
detrend! fails with NodalData
#54 opened by tclements - 8
Read SEGY into NodalData?
#55 opened by tclements - 4
- 7
Resampling gapless SeisChannel doesn't update `t`
#51 opened by tclements - 1
- 4
`get_data` using IRIS DMC PH5WS dataselect fails
#52 opened by tclements - 9
get_data fails due to unsafe_copyto! type mismatch
#43 opened by tclements - 2
- 6
- 5
32-bit OS support
#44 opened by anowacki - 2
S.loc = [-90.0, 0.0, 9300.0, 0.0, 0.0] got error
#39 opened by ihuangz - 3
mseed parse error on download
#42 opened by tclements - 10
- 2
issue reading an mseed file
#40 opened by mdenolle - 4
Parsing gaps correctly?
#36 opened by interseismic