This project creates a simple node.js webserver that will fail every 3 out of 4 API requests. It's a simple project, with no dependencies, that's useful for testing services that offer a webhook retry capability.
When running, the API endpoint - http://localhost:5000/ - will return a 502 response on the first request and print out console output that looks like:
Failing with a 502 for request number 1
On every fourth request, the service will return a 200 OK response and print out console output that looks like:
Succeeding with a 200 for request number 4
Clone the repo
Start the server. In the project directory, run:
node app.js
npm run start
If you are using this service to test a webhook from an external service you will need to provide a URL that is reachable from the public internet.
Ngrok is a handy tool for getting a public IP address for a service running on a local machine. Follow the getting started guide to create an ngrok account and install the ngrok software locally.
By default the retry test webserver runs on port 5000. To get a public IP address for a service running on port 5000 type the following command:
ngrok http 5000
This will generate output that looks something like this:
ngrok by @inconshreveable (Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Account JP Shipherd (Plan: Free)
Version 2.3.40
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> http://localh
Forwarding -> http://local
Copy the http fowarding interface (ie: "") and set this as your webhook URL in the service you are testing.
This URL will route requests to your local service as long as ngrok remains running (and across webservice restarts). If you have to restart ngrok (or your computer), you will be assigned a new IP address so you will need to update the webhook URL in the 3rd party service you are testing. Ngrok offers paid accounts that allow custom subdomains that are static.
The retry webservice is implemented in the file app.js. You can modify the code to change the behavior of service as follows:
// The server will start on port 5000 by default
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
// This API server will fail all but every Nth request
let successIncrement = 4
// This API server will return this failure code
let HttpResponseCode = 502