
Setting up Jitsi with Jibri on Ubuntu Server 18.04

Jitsi with Jibri setup on AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server 18.04

Setting up Jitsi-Meet with Jibri on Ubuntu Server 18.04

Set up Jitsi-Meet as described here.


On Jitsi-Meet server

Configure Prosody

Edit /etc/prosody/conf.avail/<FQDN>.cfg.lua

Add MUC component (already exists?)

-- internal muc component, meant to enable pools of jibri and jigasi clients
Component "internal.auth.dev.vevomo.com" "muc"
    storage = "memory"
    modules_enabled = {
    admins = { "focus@auth.<FQDN>", "jvb@auth.<FQDN>" }
    muc_room_locking = false
    muc_room_default_public_jids = true

Add recorder virtual host (after guest VirtualHost)

VirtualHost "recorder.<FQDN>"
  modules_enabled = {
  authentication = "internal_plain"

Add Jibri users

prosodyctl register jibri auth.<FQDN> <jibriauthpass>
prosodyctl register recorder recorder.<FQDN> <jibrirecorderpass>

Jitsi-Meet config

Edit /etc/jitsi/meet/<FQDN>-config.js

fileRecordingsEnabled: true, // If you want to enable file recording
liveStreamingEnabled: true, // If you want to enable live streaming
hiddenDomain: 'recorder.<FQDN>',


Edit /etc/jitsi/jicofo/sip-communicator.properties (must have the following)


Dropbox Integration


AWS S3 Integration

Jibri Server

snd-aloop module needs to be enabled On AWS you need to update your kernel. You can refer to these steps and then continue with the Jibri Installation guide to finalize your installation:

Update package list

apt update // Install sound module , which is in package linux-image-extra-virtual apt -y install linux-image-extra-virtual // In between it prompts to update maintainer version, select first option)

Edit default grub file (to make aws kernel generic): vim /etc/default/grub and set GRUB_DEFAULT=“1>2” Run update-grub And then reboot now to take this in effect // reboot machine (as package version was different than linux kernel version)

above did not work use https://meetrix.io/blog/aws/changing-default-ubuntu-kernel.html

purge aws kernel so update does not break grub boot order apt-get purge 'linux-image-*aws*'

set grub line back to default in /etc/default/grub


modprobe snd-aloop // Check aloop correctly exists lsmod | grep aloop

// make it automatically start echo “snd-aloop” >> /etc/modules

These files need to be in /usr/local/bin?
