
Simple access control using Htaccess

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Htaccess Firewall

Build Status Code Quality License


Simple access control using Htaccess.

This library is currently under development. Things will change!


Via Composer

$ composer require jpkleemans/htaccess-firewall:dev-master


First, create an instance of the HtaccessFirewall\HtaccessFirewall class:

$firewall = new HtaccessFirewall('path/to/.htaccess');

Block IP

$host = IP::fromString('');


Unblock IP

$host = IP::fromString('');


Get all denied hosts

$hosts = $firewall->getDenied();

Deactivate firewall (comment .htaccess lines)


// And to reactivate:

Set 403 message

$hosts = $firewall->set403Message('You are blocked!');

// And to remove:
$hosts = $firewall->remove403Message();

Use other filesystem

You can use another filesystem by passing it as the second argument of the HtaccessFirewall constructor. The filesystem must implement the HtaccessFirewall\Filesystem\Filesystem interface.

$filesystem = new YourCustomFilesystem();
$firewall = new HtaccessFirewall('path/to/.htaccess', $filesystem);


$ phpspec run