
Vesta is an authoring interface for documentation and unit tests. It leverages runtime information to determine the types of function arguments. This information is used to automatically keep documentation up to date, warn about inconsistencies and to improve Bracket's autocompletion. Developers can create unit tests based on recorded invocations of functions, and use the type information to get suggestions for common edge-case tests.

Vesta is a prototype for research on the interaction design for authroing documentation and unit tests. It is not intended for productive work. We make no guarantees that it works reliably, or at all. Use on your own risk.

You can learn more about our research at or check out our CHI 2016 paper.


Make sure you have Node.js and Brackets installed.

brew install node
brew cask install brackets

In some separate folder to hold your source files, check out some npm modules we needed to modify. This is assuming you keep these projects in ~/Documents/Source.

cd ~/Documents/Source
git clone
cd fondue 
git checkout supportForTypeInference
npm install 
npm link
cd ..
git clone
cd node-theseus
npm install
npm link fondue
npm link

Download a recent version of esprima.js from

In the fondue directory, find the node_modules folder and change the esprima.js in ./esprima, ./falafel/node_modules/esprima, and ./falafel-map/node_modules/esprima. Yes, it's a hack. We did mention it's a research prototype, right? :)

Install the actual plugins required.

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Brackets/extensions/user
git clone
cd brackets-typeInference 
git checkout -b origin/unitTestGeneration 
cd src/node
npm install 
cd ../../..
git clone
cd theseus
npm install
npm link fondue

Next, change the package.json of theseus to accept fondue 0.5.x instead of 0.6.x.

Setup your sample project

We highly recommend not using a production project with Vesta. In a project you open with Vesta you need to have a folder brackets_spec.