Instructions for Building Aerie Mission Model Template and DSN Multi-Mission Utilities and Using DSN Scripts

Click here for Aerie Mission Model Template Installation, Building, and Testing Instructions.

Click here for DSN Multi Mission Utilities Installation, Building, and Testing Instructions.

Click here for DSN Multi-Mission Utilities SAF and VP Export and Import Python script instructions.

Click here for DSN Multi-Mission Utilities azimuth and elevation Python script instructions.

Aerie Mission Model Template Installation, Building, and Testing Instructions

This repo provides an Aerie mission model template for a fictitious mission called FireSat. It is meant as a starting point for building a new mission model in Aerie.

Prerequisites for Aerie Mission Model Template

  • Install OpenJDK Temurin LTS. If you're on macOS, you can install brew instead and then use the following command to install JDK 19:

    brew install --cask temurin19

    Make sure you update your JAVA_HOME environment variable. For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc with:

    export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-19.jdk/Contents/Home"
  • Set GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables to your credentials (first you need to create a personal access token in your GitHub account) so you can download the Aerie Maven packages from the GitHub Maven package registry. For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc to set the variables with:

    export GITHUB_USER=""
    export GITHUB_TOKEN=""

Building Aerie Mission Model Template

To build a mission model JAR you can do:

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies # Outputs 'build/libs/dsn.jar'

You can then upload the JAR to Aerie using either the UI or API. If you want to just try the model without building it yourself you can download it here.

Testing Aerie Mission Model Template

To run unit tests under ./src/test against your mission model you can do:

./gradlew test

DSN Multi Mission Utilities Installation, Building, and Testing Instructions

This repo provides DSN multi-mission utilities. It provides a prototype of geometric computations for View Periods, and the ingestion and export of SAF and VP files.

Prerequisites for DSN Multi-Mission Utilities Development

  • Install venv for Python 3.9+ and setup a new virtual enviornment in this directory.
cd mulit-mission-utilities-DSN/python_scripts
python3 -m venv .venv
  • Activate Virtual Environment for Python project
source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install project dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running DSN Multi-Mission Utilities Tests

  • Activate Virtual Environment
source .venv/bin/activate
  • Run PyTests to automatically setup tests in ./tests directory

Installing and packaging DSN Multi-Mission Utilities libraries

  • PIP can be used with the script to install libaerie system-wide.
  • Python build can be used to create a PyPi compliant package for upload to a python mirror

Installation of DSN Multi-Mission Utilities libraries scripts

pip3 install -e

Packaging of DSN Multi-Mission Utilities

python3 -m build

Running DSN Multi-Mission Utilities can scan DSN View Period and DSN Station Allocation files and add them activities in an existing Aerie Installation.

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p VP] [-s SA] [-a CONNECTION_STRING] [-b BUFFER] [-v VERBOSE] plan_id

positional arguments:
  plan_id               plan ID to ingest activity directives into

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p VP, --vp_file VP   Filepath to a DSN View Period file
  -s SA, --sa_file SA   Filepath to a DSN Station Allocation file
                        http://<ip_address>:<port> connection string to graphql database
  -b BUFFER, --buffer_length BUFFER
                        Integer length of the buffer used to parse products, use if parsing large files
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Increased debug output

Example runs:

  • python3 25 -p INPUT.VP -s INPUT.SAF # Ingesting one file of each type
  • python3 25 -p INPUT1.VP -p INPUT2.VP # Ingesting multiple files of one type
  • python3 25 -p ./INPUT1.VP -p ./INPUT2.VP -s ./INPUT1.SAF -s ./INPUT2.SAF -b 500 # Ingesting multiple files of both types inserting 500 activities at a time

It's recommended to set the -b option to a value less then 1000 as a large amount of event data can stress GraphQL

Running DSN Multi-Mission Utilities can read an Aerie plan and will write the activities to a single DSN View Period and DSN Station Allocation files.

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p VP] [-s SA] [-m MISSION_NAME] [-S SPACECRAFT_NAME] [-d DSN_ID] [-a CONNECTION_STRING] [-b BUFFER] [-v VERBOSE] plan_id

positional arguments:
  plan_id               plan ID to ingest activity directives into

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p VP, --vp_file VP   Filepath to export target DSN View Period file
  -s SA, --sa_file SA   Filepath to export target DSN Station Allocation file
  -m MISSION_NAME, --mission_name MISSION_NAME
                        Mission Name for VP and SAF header
                        Spacecraft Name for VP and SAF header
  -d DSN_ID, --dsn_id DSN_ID
                        Integer DSN spacecraft number for VP and SAF header
                        http://<ip_address>:<port> connection string to graphql database
  -b BUFFER, --buffer_length BUFFER
                        Integer length of the buffer used to parse products, use if parsing large files
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Increased debug output

Example runs:

  • python3 25 -p EXPORT..VP -s EXPORT.SAF # Export files for plan ID 25

Computing Aziumuth and Elevation using DSN Multi-Mission Utilities

Use the script to calculate the azimuth and elevation of DSSs from the p.o.v. of your spacecraft. This script is currently set up to compute the azimuth, elevation, and view periods for multiple DSSs from the point of view of the spacecraft Europa-Clipper, between May 2nd, 2028 and May 5th, 2028.

Computing Azimuth and Elevation for Multiple DSS and Viewing in the Aerie UI

  1. Update the script as needed (see below).
  2. Run the script. Comment out the view_pr_driver(config) line. (Running the script as is will result in both azimuth and elevation values being computed for DSN antennas, as well as View Periods being computed. For now, we only want to compute azimuth and elevation.)
  3. Build the jar.
  4. Load jar into Aerie UI.
  5. Simulate the plan in the UI.
  6. View the azimuth and elevation resources in the timeline to ensure the data was computed and included in the jar.

Computing View Period windows for Multiple DSS and Viewing View Period Activity Instances in the Aerie UI

(This should be done after loading a jar into the UI.)

  1. Comment out the el_az_driver(config) line in the script.
  2. Update the script with the plan id. Make any configuration updates as needed (see below).
  3. Run the el_az_driver(config) script
  4. Simulate the plan in the UI.
  5. View the View Period Activity instances to ensure the data was computed and posted.

Configuration for Elevation and Azimuth Calculations

  1. Update the script to reflect your mission's time format, plan start, and plan end.
  2. Update the step size, which reflects the seconds between time steps for computations.
  3. Update the chosen_dss list to reflect the stations for which you want to compute azimuth, elevation, or view periods.
  4. Update the spacecraft ID
  5. Update the plan ID (this can be determined using the UI).
  6. Update the specific kernels for your mission here.

Additional Configuration for View Period Spice Geometry Finder

The Geometry Finder Spice functions compute the View Period for the specified DSSs and spacecraft. The parameters that can be updated are Spice parameters. The definitions and usage of the Spice functions in this script can be found here (note the python library, SpiceyPy was used in this script):

Kernels Needed

You can use the provided Meta-Kernel and kernels in this repository, or you can use your own. There are the kernels needed for the geometric computations.

  • Leap Seconds (.tls)
  • Solar System Ephemeris (.bsp)
  • Spacecraft Ephemeris (.bsp)
  • DSN Ephemeris (.bsp)
  • Earth Topocentric Frame Kernel (.tf)
  • NAIF PCK (Planetary Constants Kernel) (.tpc)
  • Earth binary PCK (Earth orientation data) (.bpc)
  • Meta-Kernel (.tm)