
A collection of scripts that I use with Obsidian

Primary LanguagePython

Obsidian scripts

This repository is a collection of small scripts that I use with Obsidian. For now it's Mac OS X only and requires icalbuddy & Keyboard Meastro.

Completed Omnifocus tasks to Obsidian

The get-completed-tasks.js get called within Obsidian with the help of Keyboard Meastro. This should pop-up a dialog asking you for a date to get the completed tasks

Timing summary to Obsidian

The get-timing.js get called within Obsidian with the help of Keyboard Meastro. This should pop-up a dialog asking you for a date and get a summary of the Timing App on my productivity. (note: you will need a premium version of Timing with scripting support)

Get calendar appointments

The get-calendar-dates.js get called within Obsidian with the help of Keyboard Meastro. This should pop-up a dialog asking you for a date that is then put into the get-calendar.sh script that uses icalbuddy to fetch the calendar appointments for that date, excluding some calendars.

Extract annotations

This script is a work in progress and extracts the highlights from a PDF to create a markdown file which can be used with Obsidian (including a backlink to the file itself)