
Chalet Machine Learning summer 2018

Primary LanguageHTML


Recipe for the summer 2018 edition of Machine Learning chalet


  • your favorite R distribution
  • your favorite IDE
  • 1 pinch of an internet connection


  1. Install the required packages at the R command line
  1. Try this markdown demo to familiarize yourself with markdown
  2. Save this file as "file/path/test.Rmd"
  3. Render that file as an html document with the following R command
    rmarkdown::render(input = "file/path/test.Rmd", output_format = "html_document")
  4. Open the newly created "file/path/test.html" HTML file with your browser, and compare it to the corresponding test.Rmd source code
  5. At the R command line, run the following chunk to install the most up-to-date Hugo library
  6. Create a new local repository where you want your website to be contained (for example, under path "your/repo/path")
  7. In your R session, set your working directory to your new repo, either explicitly ( setwd("your/repo/path") at the R command line) or by creating a RStudio project in the folder
  8. At the R command line, run the following chunk to create your website from this template
    blogdown::new_site(dir = ".", theme = "yihui/hugo-lithium")
  9. At the R command line, run the following chunk to visualize your website from your local browser
  10. Save the following file as static/images/dastat-logo.JPG
  11. Save the following file as config.toml
  12. Preview your website again and notice the logo and header changes
  13. At the R command line, run the following chunk to create your first article
    blogdown::new_post(title = "My first post")
  14. Go check the new post in content/post. Notice the post is a .md file
  15. At the R command line, run the following chunk to create your second article. This time, it will be a rmarkdown article
    blogdown::new_post(title = "My second post", ext = ".Rmd")
  16. Now save this file as "content/post/2018-08-25-my-third-post.Rmd"
  17. Save this other file as "content/post/2018-08-25-my-fourth-post.Rmd"
  18. In "content/post/2018-08-25-my-fourth-post.Rmd", replace the yaml header by this header

title: My fourth post
author: My Name
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d')`"
slug: my-fourth-post
categories: ["AI", "Machine Learning"]
tags: ["hype", "buzzword", "witchcraft", "black magic"]

  1. Look at these websites that were made with blogdown :