Continous Integration - Heroku, Travis-ci, Github, and Mlab

Purpose: Use for teaching thinkful students

Demo Links

Installing Locally

  • Clone Locally Github Restaurant app
  • Run NPM Install npm install
  • Open Terminal Run Mongo DB mongod
  • In your current App Folder, Run another terminal mongoimport --db restaurants-app --collection restaurants --drop --file primer-dataset.json
  • Run Node Locally: npm start
  • Open post man and do a Get Request: localhost:8080/restaurants

Creating Database in Mlab

  • Creat a Database - node-restaurants-app
  • Add Database User - Note: Remember Username and Password for later use
  • Click on Tools and see the code use for Import: mongoimport -h -d node-restaurants-app -c <collection> -u <user> -p <password> --file <input file>
  • Import primer-dataset.json file into Mlab.In your current app folder, open a terminal and run: mongoimport -h -d node-restaurants-app -c restaurants -u <user> -p <password> --file primer-dataset.json

Pushing the Code to a Node Server - Heroku

  • In your current app folder Run heroku create
  • Push your local code to Heroku git push heroku master
  • Start a Dyno(lightweight Linux containers) on your server heroku ps:scale web=1
  • Connect Heruko and Mlab: Go to Heroku in your browser, and click your app. then click Settings => Reveal Config Vars. There, add an entry for DATABASE_URL, pasting in the database URL from step 1 after subbing in your username and password: mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword> This Variable should match with config.js process.env.DATABASE_URL .