
bash script to automate ROMS data assimilation

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

run_roms_da and run_roms

run_roms_da is a script to automate ROMS data assimilation, run_roms starts non-assimilative simulations.

  • automated file renaming, starting of ROMS (via call to mpirun or via sbatch job submission), ROMS observation-file slicing, etc.
  • work with configuration files, storing the information of each data assimilation run in a single file
  • written in bash
  • requires NCO toolkit and a working ROMS data assimilation setup


run_roms_da and run_roms create new files and directories and remove old files, use at your own risk. Data files that are potentially modified by ROMS, such as the initial and observation files are copied by run_roms_da, so that the original is left unchanged.


No installation required: After downloading, add the directory containing run_roms_da to the PATH variable or simply execute in a shell using its full path.

How it works

The run_roms_da script requires a working ROMS data assimilation setup, including a ROMS executable and ROMS input and data files.

  1. Copy the template configuration file run_roms_da.config into a new directory for the data assimilation run.
  2. Edit the configuration file.
  3. Start the assimilation via a call to run_roms_da, typically from inside the directory containing the run_roms_da.config.

If not modified via the configuration file (and depending on the ROMS setup used), run_roms_da creates a file structure like the following:

├── run_roms_da.config
├── run_roms_da.log
├── run
│   ├── ocean_38840.in
│   ├── s4dvar_38840.in
│   ├── roms_38840.log
│   ├── ocean_dai_38840.nc
│   ├── ocean_fwd_38840_000.nc
│   ├── ocean_ini_38840.nc
│   ├── ocean_mod_38840.nc
│   ├── ocean_obs_38840.nc
│   └── ocean_stdi_38840.nc
└── output
    ├── roms_38832.log 
    ├── ocean_fwd_38832_000.nc
    ├── ocean_fwd_38832_002.nc
    ├── ocean_ini_38832.nc
    ├── ocean_mod_38832.nc
    ├── ocean_obs_38832.nc
    ├── roms_38836.log 
    ├── ocean_fwd_38836_000.nc
    ├── ocean_fwd_38836_002.nc
    ├── ocean_ini_38836.nc
    ├── ocean_mod_38836.nc
    └── ocean_obs_38836.nc

Here, run_roms_da.config is the configuration file for the run and run_roms_da.log is the log file containing a copy of the output of run_roms_da. The directory run contains the current ROMS run (38840 in each file name indicates the start time of the cycle in days since the ROMS reference date). The output of previous cycles is moved to and stored in the output directory; which files are saved can be configured in run_roms_da.config.


The *.in input files and the ROMS data files (ocean_ini_*.nc, ocean_stdi_*.nc) are copies of the files specified in run_roms_da.config, and ocean_obs_38840.nc is a sliced copy of the ROMS observation file specified in run_roms_da.config. The copying is meant to ensure that the original ROMS data files remain unchanged by the call to run_roms_da and subsequent ROMS calls.

The configuration file

Both run_roms_da and run_roms use a single configuration file to configure the ROMS simulations which allow modifications to the ROMS input file parameters (like NAVG in the ocean.in file). The philosophy behind this approach is to keep a small number of template input files containing parameters suitable for a wide range of ROMS simulations, and then modify copies of these templates for each individual simulation.

The configuration file for run_roms_da is considerably longer than that for run_roms because more information is required for data assimilation experiments than for non-assimilative simulations. All parameters that need to be set have descriptions in the configuration file.

Both configuration files permit modification of ROMS ocean.in file parameters via the paramchanges_ocean variable which is a bash array. To change the ROMS timesteps between writing time-averaged data (NAVG), change the ROMS boundary file (BRYNAME) and modify the output of temperature into history files (Hout(idTvar)), use for example:

"Hout(idTvar)"="T F"

Note the use of " to avoid syntax errors in the case of "Hout(idTvar)" and permit the setting of values with spaces in the case of "T F".



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.