LoRa-E5-Mini-EndNode with I2C


This is a LoRaWAN end node example for the Seeed LoRa-E5 Mini dev board using v1.1.0 of the FW. The code provided by Seeed is based on v1.0.0 and running the STM32 code generation tool Stm32CubeMx undoes some of the necessary changes to the code which renders the code with many compilation errors.

The code uses an AHT20 humidity and temperature sensor (I use the Adafruit breakout with communication over I2C.

I have set up this project for the Nucleo STM32WL55 board from scratch like it is done in v.1.1.0. There are some important changes with respect to v.1.0.0, CubeMX now only creates a skeleton and the user adds all necessary code as "user code" to get a functional application. This renders the code generation tool more versatil and user code and code automatically generated are clearly separated.

The necessary changes have then been included for the custom board which differs from the Nucleo board mainly in number of LEDs (1), buttons (1) and pins necessary to control the radio switch (2 instead of 3).

These code changes have been obtained from the original Seeed v.1.0.0 version at https://github.com/seeed-lora/LoRa-E5-LoRaWAN-End-Node.git and have been included as "user code". The I2C2 peripheral has been added for communicating with an external sensor. User code is provided for initializing and reading the AHT20 sensor (similar to AHT20 arduino library). Data is transferred over LoRaWAN in CayenneLPP format, as

  • 10 * temperature in celsius
  • 10 * relative humidity


This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license SLA0044, the "License"; https://www.st.com/SLA0044.
