PMML evaluator library for the Apache Hive data warehouse software (
- Full support for PMML specification versions 3.0 through 4.2. The evaluation is handled by the [JPMML-Evaluator] ( library.
- Apache Hive version 0.12.0 or newer.
A working JPMML-Hive setup consists of a library JAR file and a number of model JAR files. The library JAR is centered around the utility class org.jpmml.hive.PMMLUtil
, which provides Hive compliant utility methods for handling most common PMML evaluation scenarios. A model JAR file contains one or more model launcher classes and a PMML resource.
The main responsibility of a model launcher class is to formalize the "public interface" of a PMML resource. A model launcher class must extend abstract Hive user-defined function (UDF) class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDF
and provide concrete implementations for the following methods:
. The initialization of argument types is handled by the methodPMMLUtil#initializeArguments(Class, ObjectInspector[])
. The initialization of the result type is handled either by the methodPMMLUtil#initializeSimpleResult(Class)
. Handled either by the methodPMMLUtil#evaluateSimple(Class, ObjectInspector[], GenericUDF.DeferredObject[])
orPMMLUtil#evaluateComplex(Class, ObjectInspector[], GenericUDF.DeferredObject[])
. Handled by the methodPMMLUtil#getDisplayString(String, String[])
All in all, a typical model launcher class can be implemented in 15 to 20 lines of boilerplate-esque Java source code.
The example model JAR file contains a DecisionTree model for the "iris" dataset. This model is exposed in two ways. First, the model launcher class org.jpmml.hive.DecisionTreeIris
defines a custom function that returns the PMML target field ("Species") together with four output fields ("Predicted_Species", "Probability_setosa", "Probability_versicolor", "Probability_virginica") as a struct
. Second, the model launcher class org.jpmml.hive.DecisionTreeIris_Species
defines a custom function that returns the PMML target field ("Species") as a string.
Enter the project root directory and build using [Apache Maven] (
mvn clean install
The build produces two JAR files:
- Library uber-JAR file. It contains the classes of the library JAR filepmml-hive/target/pmml-hive-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
, plus all the classes of its transitive dependencies.pmml-hive-example/target/pmml-hive-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Example model JAR file.
Add the library uber-JAR file to Hive classpath:
ADD JAR /tmp/pmml-hive-runtime-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
Add the example model JAR file to Hive classpath:
ADD JAR /tmp/pmml-hive-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
Declare custom functions based on UDF implementation classes:
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION DecisionTreeIris AS 'org.jpmml.hive.DecisionTreeIris';
CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION DecisionTreeIris_Species AS 'org.jpmml.hive.DecisionTreeIris_Species';
Execute a custom function using a list of scalar arguments:
SELECT DecisionTreeIris(5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2);
Execute a custom function using a struct
SELECT DecisionTreeIris(named_struct('Sepal_Length', 5.1, 'Sepal_Width', 3.5, 'Petal_Length', 1.4, 'Petal_Width', 0.2));
JPMML-Hive is dual-licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.0] ( and a commercial license.
Please contact [] (