Java library and command-line application for converting Apache Spark ML pipelines to PMML
Pinned issues
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- 22
Cannot convert (partially-) unfitted pipelines
#137 opened by xiaoSUM - 2
Version v4 is not supported
#135 opened by zwag20 - 1
Databricks Install
#134 opened by zwag20 - 17
Troubleshooting XGBoost model performance
#128 opened by mingchun-liu - 1
MultilayerPerceptronClassificationModel IllegalArgumentException("Expected 3 target categories, got 2 target categories");
#115 opened by laotang123 - 6
Probability column not being found when using it in a stacked model
#118 opened by PowerToThePeople111 - 6
Support for `replace` SQL function
#131 opened by PowerToThePeople111 - 6
Support for `XGBoostRegressor.missing` property
#127 opened by xianlin666 - 1
- 0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/microsoft/azure/synapse/ml/codegen/Wrappable
#132 opened by prz999 - 2
Support for Apache Spark 3.3.X
#129 opened by ZHAIYM-ai - 3
2.x jars missing from Maven Central
#130 opened by jsduncan2 - 5
Error with LightGBMClassificationModel
#126 opened by davidmcomfort - 1
py4j.protocol.Py4JError: org.jpmml.sparkml.PMMLBuilder does not exist in the JVM
#125 opened by Tangjiandd - 1
Why One-Hot-Encoding is not visible in PMML?
#124 opened by CarlaFernandez - 3
LightGBM integration
#107 opened by Archmagegck - 1
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Errors with OneHotEncoder
#113 opened by BurrowsWang - 10
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SQLTransformer cannot find fields
#109 opened by zwag20 - 1
sqlTransformer don't support split function
#102 opened by lumingfeihs - 7
Vector related issues
#108 opened by mcovert - 5
- 11
- 1
- 5
Use spark2.4.6 GBTRegressor export pmml model datadictionary tag missing some feature columns
#100 opened by hjfrank1991 - 3
StringIndexerăVectorAssembler and XGBoostRegressor pipeline can not save as pmml file
#99 opened by cug-wuyu - 1
- 1
how can i transform string to list use pmml?
#97 opened by lumingfeihs - 1
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected a fitted pipeline model (class, got a pipeline stage (class
#95 opened by riedel - 6
visualize pmml tree model
#94 opened by XScarlett - 4
spark ml decision tree model convert to pmml
#93 opened by XScarlett - 2
Duplicate `OutputField` elements
#92 opened by ScavengerDD - 2
error with CategoricalLabel cast to ContinuousLabel
#91 opened by Mantj - 1
i hava a very strange problem. When I saved the result dataframe as a CSV file using spark's API.==>gbt value is not defined
#90 opened by zdkzdk - 0
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feature datatype not support array?
#88 opened by marvinxu-free - 1
Explicitly reject Model constructor parameter
#86 opened by vruusmann - 1
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Support for map function within SQLTransformer
#82 opened by tyers - 1
Can I convert model to pmml?
#85 opened by Mantj - 0
provide support for date functions
#83 opened by tyers