There is no dependency except using python 3 (python2 support should be easy to add but since it's deprecated...).
By default, this will scrap the first 200 pages and calculate the average of top 15 for countries appearing in the global top 100.
The first time you launch it, it will also store the data of those 200 pages in a file so it won't have to scrap the API next time :
PP average of the top15 players from all the countries appearing in the top100
US 10461.14
CA 9318.63
GB 9199.04
JP 8713.14
NL 8705.93
AU 8696.81
DE 8678.72
KR 8508.79
SE 8281.00
NO 8109.20
FR 8060.47
DK 7709.43
FI 7662.24
CN 7570.98
BE 7547.80
PL 7496.16
RU 7032.88
CZ 6947.99
CH 6880.24
AT 6841.45
ES 6356.52
IL 5829.07
SG 5515.96
If you want to scrap more pages (or to update the data stored in a local file), you have to use the -u
flag with the number of pages you want, for example :
python -u 100
(The API doesn't like that we scrap too much pages at once. Thus, a limit to 200 pages is applied for now.
A future patch will poll the API by chunks to avoid this behavior and allow for any number of pages)
If you wanna get the averages of top 50 by countries for countries appearing in the top 200, just use the -N
and -M
flags, for example :
python -N 50 -M 200
You can use the help flag (-h
) to get all the flags available :
python -h
usage: top_n [-h] [-N TOPN] [-M TOPM] [-u UPDATE] [-f FILESTORAGE]
Leverage ScoreSaber API to calculte the PP average of the top N players of
each countries appearing in the global top M players
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-N TOPN, --topN TOPN Will calculate the average of the N players being at
the top of their country (15 by default)
-M TOPM, --topM TOPM Will check the countries appearing in the global top M
players to do its calculation (100 by default)
-u UPDATE, --update UPDATE
If this flag is passed with a number > 0, the script
will poll the ScoreSaber API to get the number of
pages specified before calculation (MAY BE LONG) (by
default, the flag is set to 0 which means that it
won't poll the API and try to use the default stored
file. If there is no stored file, it will poll the
first 200 pages)
Specifies the file countaining already retrieved datas
from the API (polling the API being long, we avoid
doing it every time). (by default, the stored file is