
🎈 A Python package template using pyproject.toml, hatch, pre-commit, black, ruff, and mkdocs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🎈 Python Package Template

✨ Features

  • Package configuration with pyproject.toml built with hatch
  • Code formatting and linting with ruff, and black
  • Dockerfile with package installation
  • pre-commit configuration file
  • GitHub Codespaces can be created from .devcontainer
  • CI-CD Pipelines with GitHub Actions
  • Basic pytest set-up for unit tests
  • Auto-generated docs with mkdocs and mkdocs-material

🚚 Replacements

  • REPLACE_PACKAGE_NAME: name of the package (usually the same name as the repository in which it's hosted).
  • REPLACE_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION: description of the package.
  • REPLACE_NAME: user's name.
  • REPLACE_SURNAME: user's surname.
  • REPLACE_EMAIL: user's email.
  • REPLACE_GITHUB_USERNAME: GitHub username of the package owner.