This project is the solution given to a university assignment.
First it was created for a local search SAT solvers competition. But as we are seeing more algorithms these ones are being integrated to the original solver.
All the algorithms are first added as a test version and then improved step by step.
Algorithms and Program Arguments
To specify the path to the cnf formula file
-f/--file {FILE}
To specify the algorithm to solve the formula
-a/--algorithm {gsat, gwsat, dp}
The possible algorithms are:
- gsat [GSAT] - gwsat [GWSAT] - dp [Davis-Putnam] - dpll [Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland]
To specify the variable selection heuristic
-vsh/--vselection {most_often, most_equilibrated}
This argument is only used by the following algorithms:
- dp - dpll
To use a weighted version of the algorithms
This argument is only used by the following algorithms:
- gsat - gwsat