This is an experimental server for filtering Activity Streams ( data for spam. Apache 2.0 license. More or less copying "a plan for spam" filtering, but make pseudo-tokens for activity streams fields. So something like: { id: "urn:uuid:7e4ed55a-2b99-48c8-a274-42819b2ddd39", url: "", published: "2011-09-23T10:49:00Z", actor: { displayName: "John Smith", id: "urn:uuid:bff0ecdd-a944-4d92-aed3-d6af8f13d610", url: "" }, verb: "post", object: { id: "urn:uuid:81e43564-c66f-40c5-878b-733275229521", type: "note", content: "<a href=''>Buy Viagra Now!</a>" } } Would tokenize as: id=urn:uuid:7e4ed55a-2b99-48c8-a274-42819b2ddd39 url= published=2011-09-23T10:49:00Z actor.displayName=John-Smith actor.url= verb=post object.type=note a href Buy Viagra Now a There may be some value in grabbing the domains of URLs ( and here).