
Intial commit on boot application still not working

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status codecov


Sample spring boot application to catolog a games collections with restful apis



Build a local docker image with maven or docker.

./mvnw package or docker build .

Via maven

./mvnw install dockerfile:build


Once build you are start a containerised instance locally with the follwing command

docker run -p 8080:8080 -t j4mt/game-catalog

Alternately you can use docker compose. Note: this is separate from the build process so you will need to run maven package to produce the spring boot jar prior to running docker compose.

To start the stack run docker-compose up --build -d The build flag will ensure the docker image is rebuilt with each run; the -d flag runs the stack in detached mode.

To stop the stack run docker-compose down -v The -v will prune volumes which is useful for testing/dev but will remove container volumns so may not be desired in all situations

test for github hook