To view fully working sample site, please visit:
Supported browsers are: Google Chrome, Firefox, IE11, Opera
Intended behaviour
Third item in the main navigation does not have children items to demonstrate an edge case
Form validation and re-validation is performed only on submit button click
Repository has 3 branches:
dev - development environment branch, any changes should be performed on this branch first
preprod - staging environment branch, where all final assets are generated and pre-production testing is performed
gh-public - live environment branch
Technology choices
Worflow automation
Grunt was chosen for workflow automation, as it is a very simple static website. To speed up development process grunt was configured to open the browser, serve static website and perform live reload on source file changes. Grunt was also used to do all the file pre-processing, such as compiling scss code, bundling javascript etc. For production mode grunt is used to perfom bundling and minification.
Sass with scss syntax was used to write css. BEM was chosen as a convention. CSS was written with a mobile-first approach. Sass linting was configured with grunt.
It was decided to write javascript code in vanilla javascript and not to use any frameworks, because there is very little javascript functionality needed and there weren’t any major issues with cross-browser compatibility. Javascript was linted with jshint grunt plugin.
To run development version locally:
- preprequisites: Ruby, Sass, Grunt CLI
- please clone the repositoty
- Cd into project directory and
run npm install
- Run
To view production version locally:
- Clone the repository
- Change to gh-pages branch
- Open index.html in the browser