Git History and File Structure Data Visualization, a bibliography
Some great resources for data visualization:
What does it do?
Generates mp4 videos of a project's source control history
Read more about it here:
Setting it up
Gource requires FFMPEG to run
brew install ffmpeg
install Gource
brew install gource
CD into the root directory of your favorite project, type the following command and let 'er rip!
For more customization check out the above wiki, here's a helpful more advanced command, hide directory and filenames in the video, also output the video to your very own MP4.
gource --hide dirnames,filenames --seconds-per-day 0.1 --auto-skip-seconds 1 -1280x720 -o - | ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.mp4
A gorgeous open source visualization project that shows the file structure and its dependencies and relationships. Each orb represents a file in your project, the size of each node is reflective of the number lines of code within the file.
Setting it up
This graph is ingests JSON data that represents a file tree. Each node of the tree represents a file, the file object contains the following attributes: name
, language
, size
, where size
is the number of lines in the file. The CLOC library is a great resource for counting the lines of code within your projects.
Check out the CLOC documentation for more information
Read more about it here:
A fantastic library for all your data visualization needs!