
an RFC for OpenBSD's signify(1) format

Primary LanguagePython

Not intended to be a standards-track proposal - just a personal exercise in learning to write RFCs

I only wrote this because I was taking a writing class and we were told to write "a document in a style relevant to your domain", so I figured I might as well learn the conventions for writing RFCs.

I only chose signify as a random packed encoding format to document because I happened to be reading its source earlier. I don't think it actually makes any sense to standardize. Signify is an OpenBSD internal tool, and they should feel free to change the format at will if they have good reasons to. Standardization would restrict that freedom, and I see no meaningful benefit to doing so.

I wasn't going to ever publish this, but when Microsoft bought GitHub this was in a private repo, and I decided to either delete, migrate, or publish all my private repos. I figured I might as well publish this one (with this note), cause why not.