
Various utility scripts for running Lucene performance tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Luceneutil: Lucene benchmarking utilities

Setting up luceneutil

First, pick a root directory, under which luceneutil will be checked out, datasets exist, indices are built, Lucene source code is checked out, etc.. We'll refer to this directory as $LUCENE_BENCH_HOME here.

# 1. checkout luceneutil:
# Choose a suitable directory, e.g. ~/Projects/lucence/benchmarks.
git clone https://github.com/mikemccand/luceneutil.git util

# 2. Run the setup script
cd util
python src/python/setup.py -download

In the second step, the setup procedure creates all necessary directories in the clones parent directory and downloads a 6 GB compressed Wikipedia line doc file from an Apache mirror. If you don't want to download the large data file just remove the -download flag from the commandline.

After the download has completed, extract the lzma file in $LUCENE_BENCH_HOME/data.

Preparing the benchmark candidates

The benchmark compares a baseline version of Lucene to a patched one. Therefore we need two checkouts of Lucene, for example:

  • $LUCENE_BENCH_HOME/lucene_baseline: contains a complete svn checkout of Lucene, this is the baseline for comparison
  • $LUCENE_BENCH_HOME/lucene_candidate: contains a complete svn checkout of Lucene with some change applied that should be benchmarked against the baseline.

A trunk version of Lucene can be checked out with

svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/dev/trunk lucene_baseline

Adjust the command accordingly for lucene_candidate.

Running a first benchmark

setup.py has created two files: localconstants.py, and localrun.py in $LUCENE_BENCH_HOME/util/src/python/.

The file localconstants.py should be used to override any existing constants in constants.py, for example if you want to change the Java commandline used to run benchmarks. To run an inintal benchmark you don't need to modify this file.

Now you can start editing localrun.py to define your comparison, at the bottom near its __main__:

This file is a copy of example.py and should be used to define your comparisons. You don't have to build 2 separate indexes; you can make one and pass it to the two different competitors if you are only benching some code difference but not a file format change.

To run the benchmark you first test like this:

python src/python/localrun.py -source wikimedium10k

Running the geo benchmark

This one is different and self-contained. Read the command-line examples at the top of src/main/perf/IndexAndSearchOpenStreetMaps.java