
Macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Rally is the macrobenchmarking framework for Elasticsearch

What is Rally?

So you want to benchmark Elasticsearch? Then Rally is for you. Rally started as an effort to help developers in the Elasticsearch development team to run benchmarks on their machines. As our users are very creative and use Elasticsearch for all kinds of things, we have to cover a broad range of different performance characteristics and to find out how Elasticsearch performs under various conditions we run different benchmarks.

Rally is build around a few assumptions:

  • Everything is run on the same machine (but we are about to change that)
  • You want to add a specific data set to an Elasticsearch index and then run benchmarking queries on it

We are continuously working to remove these restrictions. In contrast to other home-grown benchmarking scripts, we have put considerable effort in Rally to ensure the benchmarking data are reproducible.

First Time Setup


Please ensure that the following packages are installed before installing Rally:

  • Python 3.4+ available as python3 on the path (verify with: python3 --version which should print Python 3.4.0 (or higher))
  • pip3 available on the path (verify with pip3 --version)
  • JDK 8+
  • git

Rally does not support Windows and is only actively tested on Mac OS X and Linux.

Installing Rally

Note: If you actively develop on Elasticsearch, we recommend that you install Rally in development mode instead as Elasticsearch is fast moving and Rally always adapts accordingly to the latest master version.

Simply install Rally with pip: pip3 install esrally

Note: Depending on your system setup you may need to prepend this command with sudo.

If you get errors during installation, it is probably due to the installation of psutil which we use to gather system metrics like CPU utilization. Please check the installation instructions of psutil in this case. Keep in mind that Rally is based on Python 3 and you need to install the Python 3 header files instead of the Python 2 header files on Linux.

Non-sudo Install

If you don't want to use sudo when installing Rally, installation is still possible but a little more involved:

  1. Specify the --user option when installing Rally (step 2 above), so the command to be issued is: python3 setup.py develop --user.
  2. Check the output of the install script or lookup the Python documentation on the variable site.USER_BASE to find out where the script is located. On Linux, this is typically ~/.local/bin.

You can now either add ~/.local/bin to your path or invoke Rally via ~/.local/bin/esrally instead of just esrally.

Configuring Rally

Before we can run our first benchmark, we have to configure Rally. Just invoke esrally configure and Rally will automatically detect that its configuration file is missing and prompt you for some values and write them to ~/.rally/rally.ini. After you've configured Rally, it will exit.

For more information see :doc:`configuration help page </configuration>`.

Running the first benchmark

Now we are ready to run the first benchmark with Rally: Just invoke esrally. This will start Rally with sensible defaults. It will download the necessary benchmark data, checkout the latest version of Elasticsearch, build it and finally run the benchmark.

Note: If you want to benchmark a binary distribution instead of a source distribution then run esrally --pipeline=from-distribution --distribution-version=VERSION_NUMBER (VERSION_NUMBER is for example 5.0.0-alpha1 and is identical to the version number used in the download URL)

When the benchmark is done, a summary report is written to the command line::

    _______             __   _____
   / ____(_)___  ____ _/ /  / ___/_________  ________
  / /_  / / __ \/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
 / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /   ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_/   /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   /____/\___/\____/_/   \___/
                                                  Metric      Value
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------
                        Min Indexing Throughput [docs/s]      19501
                     Median Indexing Throughput [docs/s]      20232
                        Max Indexing Throughput [docs/s]      21172
                                     Indexing time [min]    55.7989
                                        Merge time [min]    12.9766
                                      Refresh time [min]    5.20067
                                        Flush time [min]  0.0648667
                               Merge throttle time [min]   0.796417
            Query latency default (50.0 percentile) [ms]    5.89058
            Query latency default (90.0 percentile) [ms]    6.71282
           Query latency default (100.0 percentile) [ms]    7.65307
 Query latency country_agg_cached (50.0 percentile) [ms]    1.70223
 Query latency country_agg_cached (90.0 percentile) [ms]    2.34819
Query latency country_agg_cached (100.0 percentile) [ms]    3.42547
             Query latency scroll (50.0 percentile) [ms]    16.1226
             Query latency scroll (90.0 percentile) [ms]    17.2383
            Query latency scroll (100.0 percentile) [ms]    18.8419
               Query latency term (50.0 percentile) [ms]    2.10049
               Query latency term (90.0 percentile) [ms]    2.77537
              Query latency term (100.0 percentile) [ms]    4.52081
             Query latency phrase (50.0 percentile) [ms]    1.82687
             Query latency phrase (90.0 percentile) [ms]    2.63714
            Query latency phrase (100.0 percentile) [ms]    5.39892
        Query latency country_agg (50.0 percentile) [ms]    112.049
        Query latency country_agg (90.0 percentile) [ms]    128.426
       Query latency country_agg (100.0 percentile) [ms]    155.989
                            Median CPU usage (index) [%]    668.025
                            Median CPU usage (stats) [%]     143.75
                           Median CPU usage (search) [%]      223.1
                                  Total Young Gen GC [s]     39.447
                                    Total Old Gen GC [s]      7.108
                                         Index size [GB]    3.25475
                                    Totally written [GB]    17.8434
                             Heap used for segments [MB]    21.7504
                           Heap used for doc values [MB]    0.16436
                                Heap used for terms [MB]    20.0293
                                Heap used for norms [MB]   0.105469
                               Heap used for points [MB]   0.773487
                               Heap used for points [MB]   0.677795
                                           Segment count        136
                     Indices Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms]    3.16053
                     Indices Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms]    5.29526
                    Indices Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms]    5.64971
                       Nodes Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms]    3.19611
                       Nodes Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms]    4.44111
                      Nodes Stats(100.0 percentile) [ms]    5.22527

Before relying too much on the numbers, please double-check that you did not introduce any bottlenecks and that your hardware is sufficient (e.g. spinning disks are not a good idea, better use SSDs). For additional insights and metrics you can activate different telemetry devices in Rally.

Also be very careful and get a deep understanding of the measurement approaches when comparing performance numbers on different OS. Sometimes certain measurements are supported only on one OS but not on another (e.g. disk I/O statistics) and different OS handle I/O differently.

Other command line flags

Rally supports more command line flags, just run esrally --help to see what's possible. For more details, please refer to Rally's user guide.

Getting help

Please ask questions about Rally in the Elasticsearch Discuss forum.

How to Contribute

See all details in the contributor guidelines.


This software is licensed under the Apache License, version 2 ("ALv2"), quoted below.

Copyright 2015-2016 Elasticsearch <https://www.elastic.co>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.