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A11y Backpack is a service designed to improve accessibility on your website. Easily allow the user to navigate and read content using keyboard and voice commands.



  a11yBackpack.setReadOnElementCommand({ id: 'main-text', commandKey: 'c', voiceWord: 'content' });

  a11yBackpack.setClickOnElementCommand({ id: 'menu-home-link', commandKey: 'h', voiceWord: 'home' });

a11yBackpack.setStartListeningKey('l'): Starts recognizing voice commands when the l key is pressed.

a11yBackpack.setReadOnElementCommand({ id: 'main-text', commandKey: 'c', voiceWord: 'content' }): Reads the content of element with id main-text when the key c is pressed or when the user says content.

a11yBackpack.setClickOnElementCommand({ id: 'menu-home-link', commandKey: 'h', voiceWord: 'home' }): Clicks the element with id menu-home-link when the key h is pressed or when the user says home.