
Ambari View for the Ambari Store

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ambari Store View

The Ambari Store View provides access to a collection of Views and Services for Apache Ambari.

Pre-built Installer

This installer also includes amstore-daemon to facilitate restarts:

curl http://amstore.cloudapp.net/amstore/install_store.sh | bash

Manual installation

   git clone https://github.com/jpplayer/amstore-daemon.git
   cd amstore-daemon && sh build.sh && sh install.sh
   /usr/lib/amstore-daemon/amstore-daemon.sh restart
   cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views
   curl -O http://amstore.cloudapp.net/amstore/ambari-store-0.1.5.jar
   ambari-server restart

Login to Ambari then instanciate the Ambari Store view. The instance name must be "store".




Provides an interface to manage Ambari Views. Supported operations:

  • Install
  • Update
  • Uninstall

The Store view works with an Ambari Views Server, but in that case only VIEWS are supported, not SERVICES.

Applications are automatically configured using the Store defaults. Supported endpoints:

  • WebHDFS
  • Hiveserver2
  • WebHCAT
  • Ambari

The Store supports a Reconfigure operation to refresh the above endpoints.

Installing views requires a restart of the Ambari server. This is facilitated by a separate REST service (amstore-daemon). The daemon will be removed once restarts are no longer needed.

Instructions to install a view:

  1. Select the view
  2. Click "Install Selected". This will download the package to the server. No feedback is currently provided, please be patient.
  3. Click "Restart Ambari"
  4. Refresh your browser when instructed, and re-login
  5. Navigate to the Ambari Store view and click "Finish installations"


SERVICES can be downloaded, but unlike VIEWS, they must be manually installed using the "Add Service" wizard of Ambari. Not all operations function well, in particular updates are not working.


Ambari Store View is released under Apache License, Version 2.0.


sh ./build.sh


  • JDK 1.7
  • Maven 3.0

######Maven modules

  • ambari-views (ambari view interfaces)

######Maven build goals

  • Clean : mvn clean
  • Compile : mvn compile
  • Run tests : mvn test
  • Create JARS : mvn package
  • Install JARS in M2 cache : mvn install

######Tests options

  • -DskipTests to skip tests when running the following Maven goals: 'package', 'install', 'deploy' or 'verify'
  • -Dtest.exclude=<TESTCLASSNAME>
  • -Dtest.exclude.pattern=**/<TESTCLASSNAME1>.java,**/<TESTCLASSNAME2>.java


sh ./install.sh

Follow the on-screen instructions.