
Node client for µAnalytics

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small promise-based node client library for the µAnalytics service.


$ npm install micro-analytics


$ yarn add micro-analytics


To test the client, set the client host in the /test/config.json file :

    "HOST": "http://localhost:7070"

Then simply run the tests :

$ npm test


Create a client

To create a new client, you need to specify the µAnalytics host as a string.

var Analytics = require('micro-analytics');

var HOST = 'http://localhost:7070';
var analytics = new Analytics(HOST);

You can specify your credentials for µAnalytics basic authentication in an optional object passed as a second argument :

var Analytics = require('micro-analytics');

var HOST = 'http://localhost:7070';
var opts = {
  username: 'johan',
  password: 'myPass'

var analytics = new Analytics(HOST, opts);

By default, the client will use a cache key renewed each hour. You can set the cache interval using the cacheExpire key of the optional second argument. The value is the interval in seconds.

var Analytics = require('micro-analytics');

var HOST = 'http://localhost:7070';
var opts = {
  cacheExpire: 86400 // One day

var analytics = new Analytics(HOST, opts);

Get data from a database

All requests for data can be passed a parameters object to query over a time range :

var params = {
    start: new Date(2015, 0, 1),
    end: new Date(2015, 2, 1)

Get complete analytics

// Full query
.then(function(result) {
    // result.list is an array containing the whole DB

// Example with optional time range
// The same applies for all data requests
analytics.list(DBNAME, params)
.then(function(result) { ... });

A full description for result can be found here.

Get the count of analytics

.then(function(result) {
    // result looks like { total: 300, unique: 150 }

A full description for result can be found here.

Get aggregated analytics by countries

.then(function(countries) {
    // result.list is an array of aggregated analytics

A full description for countries can be found here.

Get aggregated analytics by platforms

.then(function(platforms) { ... });

A full description for platforms can be found here.

Get aggregated analytics by domains

.then(function(domains) { ... });

A full description for domains can be found here.

Get aggregated analytics by events

.then(function(events) { ... });

A full description for events can be found here.

Get aggregated analytics as a time serie

With overTime(), the parameter object can take an interval key to specify the time serie interval in seconds. By default, the service sets the interval to 86400 (which is equal to one day).

// Full query
.then(function(timeSerie) { ... });

// With parameters
var params = {
    start: new Date(2015, 0, 1),
    end: new Date(2015, 2, 1),
    interval: 2592000 // one month

analytics.overTime(DBNAME, params)
.then(function(timeSerie) { ... });

A full description for timeSerie can be found here.

Insert data in a database

Simple insert

var data = {
    "time": new Date(), // optional
    "ip": "",
    "event": "download",
    "path": "/somewhere",
    "headers": {
        "referer": "http://gitbook.com",
        "user-agent": "...",

analytics.push(DBNAME, data)
.then(function() { ... });

Bulk insert

If you need to push a list of existing analytics, use this method:

var data = {
    "list": [
            "time": 1450098642,
            "ip": "",
            "event": "download",
            "path": "/somewhere",
            "platform": "Apple Mac",
            "refererDomain": "www.gitbook.com",
            "countryCode": "fr"
            "time": 0,
            "ip": "",
            "event": "login",
            "path": "/someplace",
            "platform": "Linux",
            "refererDomain": "www.gitbook.com",
            "countryCode": "us"

analytics.bulk(DBNAME, data)
.then(function() { ... });

The passed time value must be a Unix timestamp in sec. The countryCode will be reprocessed by the service based on the ip.

Multi-website bulk insert

If you need to push analytics for different websites, you can use:

var data = {
    "list": [
            "website": "website-1.com",
            "time": 1450098642,
            "ip": "",
            "event": "download",
            "path": "/somewhere",
            "platform": "Apple Mac",
            "refererDomain": "www.gitbook.com",
            "countryCode": "fr"
            "website": "website-2.com",
            "time": 0,
            "ip": "",
            "event": "login",
            "path": "/someplace",
            "platform": "Linux",
            "refererDomain": "www.gitbook.com",
            "countryCode": "us"

analytics.bulkMulti(DBNAME, data)
.then(function() { ... });

Delete a database

.then(function() { ... });

Auto Bulk Insert

THis module provides a small utility to easily bulk insert from multiple calls:

var bulk = new Analytics.BulkInsert(analytics, {
    // Flush after N elements
    flushAt: 100,

    // Max duration to wait (in ms)
    flushAfter: 10000

bulk.push('MYDB', data);
bulk.push('MYDB', data);