
web-based recipe management system with mobile UI

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


version 1.0.1

cookingwithgas is a web-based recipe management system. It uses JQuery Mobile to generate a UI that is designed for mobile devices like Android phones and iPhones.


  • arbitrary tagging system so that you can organize and browse your recipes in a variety of different ways.

  • search by title, tag, etc.

  • Import and export from other systems using XML

  • Generate PDF recipe cards (4"x6" index cards)

  • Share recipes via e-mail (also sends the recipient a PDF copy for convenient printing)

  • reasonably sophisticated user account management, including the concept of "account groups". Within an account group, all users have read/write access to the recipes. Outside the account group, users cannot see the recipes at all. So you could host this and let different unrelated users manage their recipes independently.


  • php 5 (tested with php 5.2 and 5.4, but I think it should work with other point releases of php 5)

  • ZendFramework 1.11 or above (it may work with earlier versions, but no guarantees); if you're using a hosting provider, make sure you know how to access ZF from your PHP code; I know for my hosting provider, it's fairly complicated -- lots of apache and php config files to muck with.

  • MySQL 5

  • JQuery Mobile (currently at version 1 alpha 4)


  • unpack the tarball

  • create a new database in MySQL

  • use cookingwithgas.ddl to build the schema

  • edit application/configs/application.ini; be sure to leave open_registration = 1 for now.

  • go to the main page of the application (probably something like http://example.com/cookingwithgas/public/)

  • register for an account; confirm the account via the confirmation e-mail

  • you can now edit application.ini and set open_registration to 0 (unless you want to run a public server)

  • you should now be able to log in and manage recipes

  • if you want to import recipes, you'll need them to be in this XML format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

LIKE THIS.</directions>
    <yield>YIELD (free text)</yield>
    <source>SOURCE (free text)</source>