Membrane Demo
This repository contains two demos that can help understanding how to use Membrane Framework.
- Make sure you have Elixir installed on your machine. See:
brew install pkgconfig portaudio ffmpeg mad
- Fetch the required dependencies by running
mix deps.get
mix compile
First Pipeline Demo
How to run
To start the demo pipeline run mix run --no-halt run_pipeline_demo.exs
or type the following commands into an IEx shell (started by iex -S mix
alias Membrane.Demo.MP3.Pipeline
{:ok, pid} = Pipeline.start_link("sample.mp3")
First Element Demo
How to run
To start the demo pipeline run mix run --no-halt run_element_demo.exs
or type the following commands into an IEx shell (started by iex -S mix
alias Membrane.Demo.FirstElement.Pipeline
{:ok, pid} = Pipeline.start_link("sample.mp3")
Sample License
Sample is provided under Creative Commons. Song is called Swan Song by Paper Navy.
Copyright and License
Copyright 2018, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0