
Custom error classes based on HTTP statuses

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Custom errors based on HTTP status codes -- http://jproulx.github.io/node-http-error


npm install http-custom-errors


var HTTPErrors = require('http-custom-errors');
var error = HTTPErrors.createHTTPError(500); // Create a "500 Internal Server Error" exception
throw new HTTPErrors.NotFoundError('/missing'); // Throw a "404 Not Found Error" exception

The createHTTPError(code); function export will inherit and return a new error exception, with the additional code and status fields that correspond to the HTTP Server Statuses advertised by node's internal HTTP module.

One practical use would allow you to use a polymorphic error handler with express.js:

app.use(function (err, res, req, next) {
  res.status(err.code || 500);
  // respond with html page
  if (req.accepts('html')) {
    return res.render(err.code || 500, { url: req.url });
  // respond with json
  if (req.accepts('json')) {
    res.send({ 'message' : err.message || 'Server Error' });
  // default to plain-text. send()
  res.type('txt').send(err.message || 'Server Error');

With this middleware you would be able to simply throw the appropriate HTTP status error in the right situation:

function authorize (req, res, next) {
    if (// not authorized logic) {
        return next(new HTTPErrors.ForbiddenError('Please log in'));
    return next();
app.get('/sensitive', authorize, function (req, res, next) {
    return res.render('logged_in');
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
    throw new HTTPErrors.NotFoundError(req.url);

Additionally, each error type is exposed as its own Error constructor:

  • HTTPErrors.BadRequestError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.UnauthorizedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.PaymentRequiredError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ForbiddenError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.NotFoundError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.MethodNotAllowedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.NotAcceptableError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.RequestTimeoutError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ConflictError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.GoneError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.LengthRequiredError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.PreconditionFailedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.RequestEntityTooLargeError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.RequestURITooLargeError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.UnsupportedMediaTypeError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ExpectationFailedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ImATeapotError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.UnprocessableEntityError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.LockedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.FailedDependencyError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.UnorderedCollectionError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.UpgradeRequiredError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.PreconditionRequiredError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.TooManyRequestsError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.InternalServerError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.NotImplementedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.BadGatewayError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.ServiceUnavailableError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.GatewayTimeoutError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.HTTPVersionNotSupportedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.VariantAlsoNegotiatesError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.InsufficientStorageError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.BandwidthLimitExceededError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.NotExtendedError(message);
  • HTTPErrors.NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError(message);


Care is taken to preserve the built-in error handling behavior as much as possible, with support for checking instanceof and typeof, as well as making sure the error constructor behaves the same whether it is called with the new operator or not.

In other words, you shouldn't have to worry about these errors affecting your syntax or existing code. Simply drop in place for any existing errors you're throwing and it should work just the same.