
A helpful JavaScript library for AngularJS applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

io.mapping.jslib: A helpful JavaScript library for AngularJS applications Build Status

Nota bene: This is heavily under development!


// TODO :)


// TODO!
  • Something about bower
  • Something about including the script

The library exposes a global variable named iojs, which is the entry point for all library features.

Lambda (higher-order) functions

Lambda methods are accessed by initializing a new Lambda object using Lambda():

var lambda = iojs.Lambda(input);

where input can be an array or any other valid input (primitives, objects, etc.). Internally, input is copied (deeply) into an internal state before manipulation, so it is safe to pass data without worrying about it being destroyed.

Every lambda method tries to return something useful, whether it be an aggregate value (e.g., in fold or sum) or the object itself (in the case of map, among others), where further lambda operations may be desired). It's worth noting that lambda methods are generally non-idempotent, as methods manipulate the internal state.

For the purposes of example, assume:

var items = [
		id: 2319,
		name: "Widget A",
		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
		price: 50
		id: 2712,
		name: "Widget B",
		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
		price: 75
		id: 4309,
		name: "Dongle A",
		manufacturer: "Beta Co.",
		price: 20
		id: 4310,
		name: "Dongle B",
		manufacturer: "Beta Co..",
		price: 40
		id: 53,
		name: "Part 1",
		manufacturer: "PartSoft",
		price: 0.99

var lmda = iojs.Lambda(items);


Initialize a new Lambda whose state is copied from input. input is the preimage of f, where f is the composition of the method calls to this Lambda. If input is a singleton (primitive value), then the input will be cloned and wrapped by an array; otherwise, the input will be cloned.

Think of Lambda as C#'s IEnumerable.


Return [the state of] lmda under f, the composition of the calls to lmda.

// dupItems will be equal to items (but a deep copy of it)
var dupItems = lmda.toArray();

map(callback[, args])

Perform a projection, callback, on lmda, optionally passing in an additional argument args to callback (which will be called).

callback should resemble function (object[, arg1, arg2, ..., argn]) where each argi is in args. object will be the current fiber of lmda prior to the projection, i.e., an element of lmda. callback should return the projection of object.

// justPrices will look like: [ 50, 75, 20, 40, 0.99 ]
var justPrices = lmda.map(function (product) {
	return product.price;




filter(filterFunction[, args])

Filter lmda by removing elements that fail to return true when filterFunction(element[, args]) is called for each element in lmda (optionally passing along args additionally).

// justAcme will look like:
// [{
    	id: 2319,
    	name: "Widget A",
    	manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
    	price: 50
    	id: 2712,
    	name: "Widget B",
    	manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
    	price: 75
var justAcme  = lmda.filter(function (product) {
	return product.manufacturer == "Acme, Inc.";


Reverse the elements of lmda.

// reversed will look like:
// [
//	{
//		id: 53,
//		name: "Part 1",
//		manufacturer: "PartSoft",
//		price: 0.99
//	},
//	{
//		id: 4310,
//		name: "Dongle B",
//		manufacturer: "Beta Co..",
//		price: 40
//	},
//	{
//		id: 4309,
//		name: "Dongle A",
//		manufacturer: "Beta Co.",
//		price: 20
//	},
//	{
//		id: 2712,
//		name: "Widget B",
//		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
//		price: 75
//	},
// 	{
// 		id: 2319,
// 		name: "Widget A",
//		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
//		price: 50
//	}
var reversed = lmda.reverse().toArray();


Sort the elements of lmda using the default sort (for default-sortable values), or optionally by using a custom function (a, b) returning 1, 0, or -1 (a greater than, equal to, or less than b, respectively).

// sorted will look like:
// [
//	{
//		id: 53,
//		name: "Part 1",
//		manufacturer: "PartSoft",
//		price: 0.99
//	},
// 	{
// 		id: 2319,
// 		name: "Widget A",
//		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
//		price: 50
//	},
//	{
//		id: 2712,
//		name: "Widget B",
//		manufacturer: "Acme, Inc.",
//		price: 75
//	},
//	{
//		id: 4309,
//		name: "Dongle A",
//		manufacturer: "Beta Co.",
//		price: 20
//	},
//	{
//		id: 4310,
//		name: "Dongle B",
//		manufacturer: "Beta Co..",
//		price: 40
//	}
var sorted = lmda.sort(function (productA, productB) {
	return productA.id > productB.id ? 1 : productA.id == productB.id ? 0 : -1;


A convenience method written internally using fold, sum() will perform an arithmetic sum over lmda. When provided projectionFunction, of signature function (input) returning a +-able value, that function will be called to project values to be summed.

// sum will be 185.99
var sum = lmda.sum(function (val) {
	return val.price;


Average the values of lmda. Called as average(), perform an arithmetic average (written using sum). When called with projectionFunction, function (input) returning a +-able value, that function will be called to project values to be summed prior to being averaged.


I welcome contributions! Please ensure that any changes you submit are adequately covered by unit tests. See the existing codebase for examples of how this should be done.