
Flynn demo environment

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Flynn Demo Environment

This repo contains a Vagrantfile that boots up Flynn layer 0 and then bootstraps Flynn layer 1.

The only requirement is that you have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed.


Check out this repo, and boot up the VM using Vagrant:

git clone https://github.com/flynn/flynn-demo
cd flynn-demo
vagrant up

The final log line contains configuration details used to access Flynn via the command line tool. Install flynn-cli, and paste the flynn server-add command into your terminal.


With the Flynn running and the flynn tool installed, the first thing you'll want to do is add your SSH key so that you can deploy applications:

flynn key-add

After adding your ssh key, you can deploy a new application:

git clone https://github.com/flynn/nodejs-example
cd nodejs-example
flynn create example
git push flynn master


To access the application, add some web processes using the scale command and a route with route-add-http:

flynn scale web=3

flynn route-add-http localhost:8080

Visit the application in your browser or with curl:

curl localhost:8080

Repeated requests via curl should show that the requests are load balanced across the running processes.


flynn ps will show the running processes:

$ flynn ps
ID                                             TYPE
e4cffae4ce2b-8cb1212f582f498eaed467fede768d6f  web
e4cffae4ce2b-da9c86b1e9e743f2acd5793b151dcf99  web
e4cffae4ce2b-1b17dd7be8e44ca1a76259a7bca244e1  web

To get the log from a process, use flynn log:

$ flynn log e4cffae4ce2b-8cb1212f582f498eaed467fede768d6f
Listening on 55007


An interactive one-off process may be spawned in a container:

flynn run bash


Flynn is a modular, open source Platform as a Service (PaaS).

If you're new to Flynn, start here.


Flynn is in active development and currently unsuitable for production use.

Users are encouraged to experiment with Flynn but should assume there are stability, security, and performance weaknesses throughout the project. This warning will be removed when Flynn is ready for production use.

Please report bugs as issues on the appropriate repository. If you have a general question or don't know which repo to use, report them here.


We welcome and encourage community contributions to Flynn.

Since the project is still unstable, there are specific priorities for development. Pull requests that do not address these priorities will not be accepted until Flynn is production ready.

Please familiarize yourself with the Contribution Guidelines and Project Roadmap before contributing.

There are many ways to help Flynn besides contributing code:

  • Fix bugs or file issues
  • Improve the documentation including this website
  • Contribute financially to support core development

Flynn is a trademark of Apollic Software, LLC.