
Stream data over http using curl.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Stream data over http using curl. Hosted at pipeto.me

  • No javascript
  • Go standard library only

pipeto.me(1)                     PIPE TO ME                         pipeto.me(1)

    pipeto.me: streaming data over http

    Randomly generated pipe address:                  https://pipeto.me/<key>

    Pipe example:

    (chrome/firefox): https://pipeto.me/<key>
    (terminal2)$ echo hello world | curl -T- https://pipeto.me/<key>

    Input example:

    (chrome/firefox): https://pipeto.me/<key>
    (terminal)$ curl -T- https://pipeto.me/<key>
                hello world<enter>

    File transfer example:

    (terminal1)$ curl https://pipeto.me/<key> > output.txt
    (terminal2)$ cat input.txt | curl -T- https://pipeto.me/<key>

    Chat example(curl>=7.68):

    (terminal1)$ curl -T. -u user1: https://pipeto.me/<key>?mode=interactive
    (terminal2)$ curl -T. -u user2: https://pipeto.me/<key>?mode=interactive
                 hello world<enter>

    Data is not buffered or stored in any way.
    Data is not retrievable after it has been delivered.

    Maximum upload size: 64 MB
    Not allowed: anything illegal, malicious, inappropriate, etc.

    This is a personal project and makes no guarantees on:
    reliability, performance, privacy, etc.

    Default Mode:

    If data is sent to the pipe when no receivers are listening, 
    it will be dropped and is not retrievable.

    Fail Mode: 

    $ curl -T- https://pipeto.me/<key>?mode=fail
    In this mode, a send request will fail if no receivers are listening.

    Block Mode:

    $ curl -T- --expect100-timeout 86400 https://pipeto.me/<key>?mode=block
    In this mode, a send request will wait to send data until a receiver connects.

    Interactive Mode:

    $ curl -T. -u <username>: https://pipeto.me/<key>?mode=interactive
    In this mode the system will append the username to messages.
    The system will also send connected and disconnected notifications.

    Demo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jpschroeder/pipe-to-me/master/demo.gif
    Source: https://github.com/jpschroeder/pipe-to-me


With go installed:

go get -u github.com/jpschroeder/pipe-to-me


pipe-to-me -h
  -baseurl string
        the base url of the service
         (default "http://localhost:8080/")
  -httpaddr string
        the address/port to listen on for http
        use :<port> to listen on all addresses
         (default "localhost:8080")


In order to build the project, just use:

go build


You can build the project under linux (or Windows Subsystem for Linux) and just copy the executable to your server.

You can then run the program directly or use systemd to install it as a service and keep it running.

Customize the scripts/pipe-to-me.service file in the repo for your server and copy it to /lib/systemd/system/pipe-to-me.service (ubuntu)

Start the app with: systemctl start pipe-to-me
Enable it on boot with: systemctl enable pipe-to-me
Check it's status with: systemctl status pipe-to-me
See standard output/error with: journalctl -f -u pipe-to-me


You can host the application using go directly, or you can listen on a local port and use nginx to proxy connections to the app.

Make sure that nginx is installed with: apt-get install nginx

Customize scripts/pipe-to-me.nginx.conf and copy it to /etc/nginx/sites-available/pipe-to-me.nginx.conf

Remove the default website configuration: rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Enable the go proxy: ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/pipe-to-me.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pipe-to-me.nginx.conf

Restart nginx to pick up the changes: systemctl restart nginx


If running as a stand-alone go application, you can use the built-in https support. When running behind a proxy, you should enable https in nginx and forward to the localhost http address.

Install the letsencrypt client with:

add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt-get install python-certbot-nginx

Generate and install a certificate with: certbot --nginx -d pipeto.me

The certificate should auto-renew when necessary.


A prepared Docker image is available here.

docker run --name pipe-to-me -p 80:8080 jpschroeder/pipe-to-me -baseurl http://localhost/

You can build the image yourself by running docker-compose up --build.