
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kids Arcade Website Documentation


The Kids Arcade website is an interactive platform designed specifically for children, hosting three engaging games: "Run Rabbit Run", "Memory Card Game", and "2048". Each game is self-contained within its respective directory, which includes all necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Additionally, arcade directory that contains elements for the website's front page, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly interface.

Directory Structure

The website is organized into the following main directories:

  • Arcade: Contains elements and assets used on the front page of the website.
  • Run Rabbit Run: Contains the files for the "Run Rabbit Run" game.
  • Memory Card Game: Contains the files for the "Memory Card Game".
  • 2048: Contains the files for the "2048" game, which is adapted from an open-source project.

Detailed Breakdown

  1. Arcade

    • Location: /arcade
    • Contents:
      • index.html - The main HTML document for the arcade's front page.
      • 'about.html' - The HTML document for the about page.
      • style.css - CSS file for styling the front page.
      • /images - containes all of the image assests
  2. Run Rabbit Run

    • Location: /run-rabbit-run
    • Contents:
      • index.html - The main HTML document for the game.
      • run-rabbit-run.css - CSS file for styling the game's interface.
      • run-rabbit-run.js - JavaScript file containing the game's logic.
      • /img - containes all of the image assests
  3. Memory Card Game

    • Location: /memory-card-game
    • Contents:
      • index.html - The main HTML document for the game.
      • memory-card-game.css - CSS file for styling the game's interface.
      • memory-card-game-script.js - JavaScript file containing the game's logic.
      • /cards - containes all of the card image assests
  4. 2048

    • Location: /2048
    • Contents:
      • index.html - The main HTML document for the game.
      • /css - CSS files for styling the game's interface. Changes were made to style.css to match the styles of our other games.
      • /js - JavaScript files containing the game's logic, adapted from an open-source version. Changes/improvement made to the game.js and view.js modules can be found at the top of the respective files.

How to Run

Already runnign website can be found at https://jpsingh10.github.io/ECS162-p2/arcade/index.html

To run the Kids Game Arcade website locally, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository containing the project.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project.
  3. Open the index.html file located inside the arcade directory in your web browser to access the front page of the arcade.
  4. From the front page, you can select and play any of the games.


  • The "2048" game implementation is adapted from an existing open-source project. Modifications and improvements should respect the original licensing terms.