
Merge Openings in gbXML File A with Surfaces in gbXML File B to Surfaces with Openings in gbXML File C.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Merge 'Geometry' in gbXML File A with 'Openings' in gbXML File B to 'Geometry with Openings' in gbXML File C.

Purpose: This python script is meant to process full Revit gbXML input files in XML format:

  1. A Geometry gbXML based on Mass families without windows,
  2. An Openings gbXML based on Spaces from detailed elements with windows.


  1. Revit gbXML files in XML format. File locations are chosen via a typical directory GUI.
  2. Output file name and destination location via a typical directory GUI.


  1. Composite gbXML made up of Geometry from gbXML based on Mass families and Openings from gbXML based on Spaces.


  1. Depends on xgbxml (https://pypi.org/project/xgbxml/) developed by Dr. Steven Firth of Loughborough University.
  2. Depends on topologicpy (https://test.pypi.org/project/topologicpy/) developed by Dr. Wassim Jabi of Cardiff University.
  3. xgbxml: handling of gbxml elements like Surfaces and Openings.
  4. topologicpy: determination of destination Surfaces of Openings with an adjustable Distance Tolerance.

Functional Development & Test: Windows 10 / Anaconda / Spyder IDE / Python 3.8 / xgbxml 0.0.8 topologicpy 0.1.5