
Sass eyeglass module for inlining SVG files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Now you can finally inline SVG files with libsass, too!




npm install --save-dev eyeglass-inline-svg


@import 'inline-svg';

.test {
  background: inline-svg-file("./assets/svg/opt/test.svg") center no-repeat;

Using a variable is suitable for including the SVG background in a CSS3 multiple background, though extending (see below) is not possible in the particular selector then.

Using an inlined SVG multiple times

@import 'inline-svg';

$svg-text: inline-svg-file("./assets/svg/opt/test.svg");
@mixin svg-test {
  background: $svg-test center no-repeat;
%svg-test {
  @include svg-test;
// [...]
.test1 {
  @extend %svg-test;
// [...]
.test2 {
  @extend %svg-test;
// [...]

When the inlined background should be reused multiple times, using an extend can be more efficient.

The mixin has to be used when overriding properties - as extends cannot do this (style order dependent).



Takes the path to a SVG file and inlines it.


Path to the SVG file.


Encoding of the file. Defaults to utf8.


Takes the string of a SVG document and inlines it.


The SVG string to be inlined.


This eyeglass module actually provides two functions, one for inlining a SVG string and one for inlining a SVG file. The reason behind this is that one may want first to manipulate the SVG string to be inlined, e.g. for modifications that aren't possible with SVG used as background image, like CSS fill/stroke properties or modifications that aren't possible with CSS at all. For this the SVG string is first fetched using file-text function (provided by eyeglass-file-text), passed to a SVG manipulation function and then finally passed to the inline-svg function of this eyeglass module.

Optimization + Troubleshooting

The same as with the underlying eyeglass-inline-urlescape module applies: Optimization of the input SVGs must be performed by a separate, specialized tool (e.g. svgo) and/or in an extra build step (e.g. using gulp-svgmin) prior compiling the sass files.

Please note that automated SVG optimization may break a SVG or make it unrenderable in some browsers, so in case of trouble with the inlined SVG, first check the optimized input SVG by viewing it directly as file in browser.


If you only want/need the escaped URL string without the rest of the data URI, use the inline-urlescape function provided by the underlying eyeglass-inline-urlescape module.