
NetSuite SuiteTalk API Wrapper

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

NetSuite Ruby SuiteTalk Gem

  • This gem will act as a wrapper around the NetSuite SuiteTalk WebServices API. Wow, that is a mouthful.
  • The gem does not cover the entire API, only the subset that we have found useful to cover so far.
  • Extending the wrapper is pretty simple. Check out the contribution help doc
  • NetSuite development is overall a pretty poor experience. We have a list of NetSuite Development Resources that might make things a bit less painful.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'netsuite'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install netsuite

This gem is built for ruby 1.9.x, checkout the 1-8-stable branch for ruby 1.8.x support.


Before contributing a patch make sure all existing tests pass.

git clone git://github.com/RevolutionPrep/netsuite.git
cd netsuite
bundle exec rspec



NetSuite.configure do
  # optional, defaults to 2011_2
  api_version	'2012_1'
  # optionally specify full wsdl URL (to switch to sandbox, for example)
  wsdl          "https://webservices.sandbox.netsuite.com/wsdl/v#{api_version}_0/netsuite.wsdl"
  # or specify the sandbox flag if you don't want to deal with specifying a full URL
  sandbox	true
  # often the netsuite servers will hang which would cause a timeout exception to be raised
  # if you don't mind waiting (e.g. processing NS via DJ), increasing the timeout should fix the issue
  read_timeout  100000
  # you can specify a file or file descriptor to send the log output to (defaults to STDOUT)
  log           File.join(Rails.root, 'log/netsuite.log')
  # login information
  email    	'email@domain.com'
  password 	'password'
  account   	'12345'
  role      	1111


# retrieve a customer
customer = NetSuite::Records::Customer.get(:internal_id => 4)

# or

# randomly assign a task
customer_support_reps = [12345, 12346]

task = NetSuite::Records::Task.new(
	:title => 'Take Care of a Customer',
	:assigned => NetSuite::Records::RecordRef.new(customer_support_reps.sample),
	:due_date => DateTime.now + 1,
	:message => "Take care of this"


# this will only work on OS X, open a browser to the record that was just created
`open https://system.sandbox.netsuite.com/app/crm/calendar/task.nl?id=#{invoice.internal_id}`

task.update :message => 'New Message'

# basic search
search = NetSuite::Records::Customer.search({
  basic: [
      field: 'companyName',
      operator: 'contains',
      value: company_name

`open https://system.netsuite.com/app/common/entity/custjob.nl?id=#{search.results.first.internal_id}`