

Primary LanguageHTML





  • 定时器:
  • 事件监听:
  • 看见循环的时候,想想能不能用变量代替,来提高性能
  • 公共的部分,要提取出来:继承,接口,抽象类




TIP 1: 如果你发现自己需要为程序添加一个特性,而代码结构使你无法很方便地那么做,那就先重构那个程序,使特性的添加比较容易进行,然后再添加特性。

TIP 2: 重构之前,首先检查自己是否有一套可靠的测试机制。这些测试必须有自我检验(self-checking)能力。

TIP 3: 重构技术系以微小的步伐修改程序。如果你犯下错误,很容易便可发现它。

TIP 4: 任何一个傻瓜都能写出计算机可以理解的代码。惟有写出人类容易理解的代码,才是优秀的程序员。

Tip 5: 事不过三,三则重构(Three strikes and you refactor)

TIP 6: 不要过早发布(publish)接口。请修改你的代码拥有权政策,使重构更顺畅

TIP 7: 当你感觉需要撰写注释,请先尝试重构,试着让所有注释都变得多余。

TIP 8: 确保所有测试都完全自动化,让它们检查自己的测试结果。

TIP 9: 一整组(a suite of)测试就是一个强大的「臭虫」侦测器,能够大大缩减查找「臭虫」所耑要的时间。

TIP 10: 频繁地运行测试。每次编译请把测试也考虑进去——每天至少执行毎个测试一次。

TIP 11: 每当你接获臭虫提报(bug report),请先撰写一个单元测试来揭发这只臭虫。

TIP 12: 编写未臻完善的测试并实际运行,好过对完美测试的无尽等待。

TIP 13: 考虑可能出错的边界条件,把测试火力集中在那儿。

TIP 14: 当事情被大家认为应该会出错时,别忘了检查彼时是否有异常如预期般地被拋出。

TIP 15: 不要因为「测试无法捕捉所有臭虫」,就不撰写测试代码,因为测试的确可以描捉到大多数臭虫。







ps:使用STS中的WiKiText Editor可以直接编辑观看

IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 Help 中用策略模式代替if判断语句的典型重构示例

地址: http://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/replace-conditional-logic-with-strategy-pattern.html



public class RenderTest {
    public void boxesAreConnectedWithALine() throws Exception {
        Box box1 = new Box(20, 20);
        Box box2 = new Box(20, 20);

        Diagram diagram = new Diagram();
        diagram.add(box1, new Point(10, 10));
        diagram.add(box2, new Point(10, 10));

        BufferedImage image = render(diagram);
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 19, 12), is(WHITE));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 19, 13), is(WHITE));

        assertThat(colorAt(image, 20, 13), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 21, 13), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 22, 14), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 23, 14), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 24, 15), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 25, 15), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 26, 15), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 27, 16), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 28, 16), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 29, 17), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 30, 17), is(BLACK));

        assertThat(colorAt(image, 22, 13), is(BLACK));
        assertThat(colorAt(image, 22, 13), is(BLACK));


  • 重构1: 灵活的测试会在适当的抽象层次上进行表达
public class RenderTest {
    private Diagram diagram;

    public void boxesAreConnectedWithALine() throws Exception {
        Box box1 = new Box(20, 20);
        Box box2 = new Box(20, 20);

        Diagram diagram = new Diagram();
        diagram.add(box1, new Point(10, 10));
        diagram.add(box2, new Point(10, 10));

                hasConnectingLineBetween(box1, box2));

    private Matcher<BufferedImage> hasConnectingLineBetween(final Box box1, final Box box2) {
        return new BoxConnectorMatcher(diagram, box1, box2);
  • 重构2:用自定义的匹配器来检查两个长方形之间的连接
public class BoxConnectorMatcher extends BaseMatcher<BufferedImage> {
    private final Diagram diagram;
    private Box box1;
    private Box box2;

    public BoxConnectorMatcher(Diagram diagram, Box box1, Box box2) {
        this.diagram = diagram;
        this.box1 = box1;
        this.box2 = box2;

    public boolean matched(Object o) {
        BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage)o;
        Point start = findEdgePointFor(box1);
        Point end = findEdgePointFor(box2);

        // 委托
        return new PatchAlgorithm(image).areConnected(start, end);

    private Point findEdgePointFor(final Box box1) {
        Point a = diagram.positionOf(box1);
        int x = a.x + (box1.width() / 2);
        int y= a.y - (box1.height() / 2);
        return new Point(x, y);

    public void describeTo(Description d){
        d.appendText("connecting line exists between "
            + box1 + " and " + box2);

  • 重构3: PathAlgorithm负责查找两个像素之间的路径
 * PathAlgorithm的实现其实就是深度优先搜索,从起始坐标开始,遍历每个颜色符合的相邻坐标,直到走完所有相连的点,或者遇到与终止坐标直接相邻的点。
public class PatchAlgorithm {

    private final BufferedImage img;
    private Set<Point> visited;
    private int lineColor;

    public PatchAlgorithm(BufferedImage image) {
        this.img = image;

    public boolean areConnected(Point start, Point end) {
        visited = new HashSet<Point>();
        lineColor = img.getRGB(start.x, end.y);
        return areSomehowConnected(start, end);

    private boolean areSomehowConnected(Point start, Point end) {
        if (areDirectlyConnected(start, end)) return true;
        for (Point next : unvisitedNeighborsOf(start)) {
            if(areSomehowConnected(next, end)) return true;
        return false;

    private boolean areDirectlyConnected(Point start, Point end) {
        return false;

    private List<Point> unvisitedNeighborsOf(Point p) {
        List<Point> neighbors = new ArrayList<Point>();
        for (int xDiff = -1; xDiff <= 1 ; xDiff++) {
            for (int yDiff = -1; yDiff <= 1; yDiff++) {
                Point neighbor = new Point(p.x + xDiff, p.y + yDiff);
                if (!isWithinImageBoundary(neighbor)) continue;
                int pixel = img.getRGB(neighbor.x, neighbor.y);
                if (pixel == lineColor && !visited.contains(neighbor)) {
        return neighbors;

    private boolean isWithinImageBoundary(Point point) {
        if (p.x < 0 || p.y < 0) return false;
        if (p.x >= img.getWidth()) return false;
        if (p.y >= img.getHeight()) return false;
        return true;