
A basic php static template site

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mere Logo


Being nothing more nor better than.

You will see that this project is exactly that.

I'm not a php developer but I wanted to find something that would allow me to host my client's basic static sites without booting up a wordpress site for 8 pages or less content that would rarely if ever change. Wordress has a lot of attackers and hijackers and requires regular maintenance. For simple sites, this is unnecessary; so I started searching for a static or flat file cms. There are plenty of options, some great ideas, but again, overkill. So, I started playing.

The criteria was it needed to be simple and work out of the box with minimal config. Pages can be saved in the root but are currently in a "pages" folder to be found easily. Twig works for php and html as well its own extension ".twig".

Choose any html template from BootstrapMade or ThemeWagon etc and start incorporating twig and your content pages will only ever need to be 'merely' content, not requiring any html.

I'll try to convert a few html templates as time goes on for those that just want to download something at get started hosting.

composer install


  • twig
  • phpmailer
  • michelf/php-markdown - TODO

Thanks to:


  • 20200108 - Couldn't get form to process from within twig (will work on this later.) Was able to get it working by breaking contact into it's own php file for processing.