Convert the pretrained model
rafikg opened this issue · 2 comments
@jpuigcerver Hi, thanks for sharing this well written code. Did you try to convert convert the pretrained model to pytorch model ? Actually, I am trying to do it but still having problems
Thank you for showing interest in it!
I know that PyTorch has the "legacy" module, which, if I recall correctly, allows you to use Lua models. However, I have never tried it.
I ported Laia to PyTorch: but it's actually a new toolkit, and old Lua models can not directly be used. Sadly, I did not have time to write proper documentation for PyLaia, since I was developing it while writing my thesis. If you want to use it, I recommend starting from the IAM example: which should be functional (if it's not, please tell me).
@jpuigcerver Thanks for your answer. Actually, I build your model using pytorch and I try to extract the weights form your lua pretrained model and transfer them to my model. I do the convolution parts correctly but I have a problem about the cudnn.BLSTM in lua and nn.lstm() in pytorch. It seems that in lua, all the parameters are flatten but not in nn.lstm() see my post