- 2
How can I download RIMES data?
#45 opened by nagailong - 6
Rimes Dataset not accessible anymore
#44 opened by elnazsn1988 - 0
- 2
A Problem about image distortion
#42 opened by Marcovaldong - 1
- 3
Trained Model for testing on sample pages
#39 opened by mineshmathew - 1
<eps> symbol
#40 opened by habibai - 2
problem in
#38 opened by rafikg - 1
Transfer weights of lua model to pytorch model
#37 opened by rafikg - 2
Convert the pretrained model
#36 opened by rafikg - 1
- 2
IAM database example fails
#34 opened by BeatWolf - 1
WOrds.xml download
#33 opened by humehta - 1
module 'trepl' not found:
#32 opened by ricardobnjunior - 4
Prepare image error from egs/iam
#31 opened by yanrubi - 1
- 2
Missing file in RIMES recipe
#29 opened by wellescastro - 6
- 19
- 4
- 2
- 2
IAM - Missing file - all.txt
#23 opened by bdotgradb - 4
No LuaRocks module found for laia.util.mem
#21 opened by bdotgradb - 2
Missing MDRNN.lua file
#20 opened by bdotgradb - 1
torch-cuda/Dockerfile is redundant
#19 opened by dmas-at-wiris - 1
Pixel batcher
#17 opened by jpuigcerver - 1
- 15
Spanish numbers
#14 opened by RParedesPalacios - 1
Problems with Cristo-salvador
#15 opened by RParedesPalacios - 1
- 1
- 3
- 6
Make a lua package from Laia
#8 opened by jpuigcerver - 1
Current Laia version seems broken
#12 opened by dmartinalbo - 2
Fix/Remove WidthBatcher?
#11 opened by jpuigcerver - 1
- 0
Add debugging tools
#7 opened by jpuigcerver - 0
- 0
Fix curriculum learning batcher
#5 opened by jpuigcerver - 0
#1 opened by dmartinalbo - 1