host: "your SSDB server", //default :localhost"
port: 8888, //default SSDB port 8888
address: "vertx.ssdb", //default vertx.ssdb)
decode: true //default : false
Example: {"command":"multi_set", "params":[ "mykey1", "myvalue1", "mykey2", 10 ] }
Example: {"command":"multi_get", "params":[ "mykey1", "mykey2" ] }
if decode==true
Example : { "ok":true, result:{"mykey1" : "value1", "mykey2" : 10 } }
if decode==false
Example : { "ok":true, result:{"mykey1" : "dmFsdWUx", "mykey2" : "MTA=" }}
If you need fast "fire & forget" (UDP like) set/put command (with no need to check the reply), use a "norep" (boolean) parameter in your JSON request.
You will never receive a response from the module, even for a get !
For the complete documentation of the SSDB requests commands, see : SSDB Commands
Idea/InteliJ : run ModuleIntegrationTest.java
Eclipse : ?
More to come ......
JsonObject data = new JsonObject("{ \"command\" : \"get\" , \"mykey\""}
vertx.eventBus().send("vertx.ssdb", data, new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>() {
public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) {
if (message.body().containsField("err")) {
container.logger().fatal("Error on "+ data);
container.logger().info("CLIENT RECEIVED:"
+ message.body().encodePrettily());