
Maps of Chicago's built environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Edifice Maps

Simple website showcasing maps of Chicago's built environment, made with building data from Edifice db.

We designed the maps using TileMill for the Reinventing Chicago Hackathon, October 6-8 2012 in Chicago.

We borrowed the site template and map styles from the wonderful folks at Mapbox..

Our tilemill projects are in maps/:

Buildings areas


Every building in Chicago, colored by its footprint area.

addresses.sql Flat PostgreSQL data dump of building IDs (bldg_gid) with their address.


Due to earlier problems with a dump/reload of PostGIS database we had to use flat CSV files. This can be restored into PostGIS with:

CREATE TABLE buildings_tilemill (bldg_gid smallint, the_geom geometry, lat double precision, lon double precision, year_built smallint, sqft int, prop_value money, zoning varchar(10), landuse varchar(255)); \copy buildings_tilemill FROM '/<path-to-csv-file>' WITH CSV HEADER;

Building demolitions


All buildings demolished since 2006.

Building violations


Every building violation issued by the City of Chicago since 2006.

Construction Spending


Total construction spending by census block group.

census_block_groups.sql Flat PostGIS data dump of Census block groups in Chicago

new_const_heatmap Custom PostGIS dump of new construction spending heatmap in chicago. Should be able to restore with pg_restore.

Land use


Every building colored by its landuse. NOT COMPLETE: sql in the directory, table in psql.

landuse.sql Flat PostgreSQL data dump of building ids (bldg_gid) with a short description (shortdesc) and label (tilemill_display) of its land use. Data from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning



Every building with renovation since 2006, with a count of renovation and data for most recent renovation. NOT COMPLETE: SQL is in the directory, data in postgres, no tilemill yet.



Datasets for analysis and visualization. Currently a csv file of building counts by decade of construction, for a histogram.

Map website

index.html, site.css, site.js

Simple site to showcase tilemill maps. All the mapping js is in site.js, libraries are in javascripts/ dir.

Edifice dec

splash.html, 200wacker.json

Slides for Edifice presentation, splash page and building example.