
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gift Exchange Randomizer

  • A program used to take a list of names and generate a new mapping of who should get gifts for who from the list.


  • In a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the gift-exch-randomizer program.
  • Run the main.go binary along with the name of a file containing the list of names.
    • Ex: go run main.go christmas_2016.json
  • Results will be both logged out in the terminal and also written out to a text file named [fileTitle]_result.txt where [fileTitle] will be replaced with the title preceeding the '.' in the given file name.
    • Ex: christmas_2016_result.txt

Accepted Formats

  • JSON
        "Derek" : "Jason",
        "Tommmy" : "Derek",
        "Allie" : "Tommy",
        "Jason" : "Allie",